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Taxation without Representation. The French & Indian War.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxation without Representation. The French & Indian War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxation without Representation

2 The French & Indian War

3 The Proclamation of 1763 Don’t go west of the imaginary line!

4 The Quartering Act

5 Taxation without Representation The French and Indian War cost Great Britain a lot of money. “The nation has run itself into an immense debt to give them protection; and now they are called upon to contribute a small share toward the public expense.”

6 Show me the money! Navigation Acts: Navigation Acts: controlled colonial trade – The king began to enforce these after the French and Indian War  Smuggling Sugar Act: Sugar Act: taxed sugar and molasses Stamp Act: Stamp Act: taxed goods made of paper

7 The Sugar Act (1764) Taxed merchants on sugar, molasses, wine, and coffee Lumber and iron could only be traded to England Hurt the colonial economy – Affected merchants in port cities the most No real protests

8 The Stamp Act (1765) Required colonists to buy stamps to put on paper goods – Newspapers – Wills and other legal documents – Calendars – Playing cards Colonists head about the new tax in April. It took effect the next November

9 “Taxation without representation is tyranny!” Colonists did not like the new taxes. They: Colonists did not like the new taxes. They: The Sons of Liberty – Formed groups to protest.  The Sons of Liberty – Tried to scare the tax collectors (Stamp Act Congress) – Sent representatives to sign a petition (Stamp Act Congress) – Boycotted – Boycotted the items that were taxed (this means that they did not buy them)


11 repealed Parliament repealed the Stamp Act. This means they canceled it. Declaratory Act Parliament passed the Declaratory Act

12 The Stamp and Sugar Acts Step #1: Read pages 160-162 of the textbook. Step #2: Imagine you are a British colonist living in North America. Write an editorial about the Stamp Act or Sugar Act. –1–1 page typed (double-spaced) OR 1 ½ pages hand- written –M–Must include a balance of fact and opinion –S–Should have a catchy title that makes your opinion clear –Y–You may use outside sources

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