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3-An Indian named Mohandas Gandhi was one of the 1st modern-day leaders to preach nonviolence 4-India is a small country in Asia 1-All the people in India.

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Presentation on theme: "3-An Indian named Mohandas Gandhi was one of the 1st modern-day leaders to preach nonviolence 4-India is a small country in Asia 1-All the people in India."— Presentation transcript:

1 3-An Indian named Mohandas Gandhi was one of the 1st modern-day leaders to preach nonviolence 4-India is a small country in Asia 1-All the people in India speak the same language 2-India is a communist country 5-India showed little or no development until the British took control


3 A new religion formed from both Aryans & Indus Valley people

4 Priests gathered hymns of praise into 4 collections called Vedas (viewed as sacred) They’re eventually interpreted by wise Hindu teachers Upanishads

5 Ideas of the Upanishads 1. The sacred, infinite force (Brahman) is in all living things Everything in nature is tied together There are different “faces” of Brahman

6 2. 3 all-important gods -Brahma the creator -Vishnu the protector -Shiva the destroyer Polytheism Belief in more than 1 god

7 3. The soul lives on & is reborn into a new body Nothing that lives ever entirely dies Reincarnation

8 4. A person’s conduct in this life determines his/her position in the next life Karma Ethical law of cause & effect

9 To earn a good rebirth each caste has its own Dharma, or duty Example: Boy in warrior caste had to be willing to fight, kill & be killed

10 Hindus believe 4 different groups of people were created from body of God Social divisions of India

11 Parts of God Occupation Servants Feet Merchants & farmers Legs Rulers & warriors Arms Priests (brahmin) Mouth

12 The “Untouchables”

13 You don’t touch or share food with an untouchable Higher castes = pure Their impurity transfers to you!

14 Untouchables today in India have the worst jobs. “Dirty” jobs (removing & burying dead bodies)

15 Only the top 3 castes study the vedas There are actually thousands of castes now!

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