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Middleware Technology (J2EE/EJB) Entity Bean (JBoss EJB 3.0 tutorial)

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Presentation on theme: "Middleware Technology (J2EE/EJB) Entity Bean (JBoss EJB 3.0 tutorial)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Middleware Technology (J2EE/EJB) Entity Bean (JBoss EJB 3.0 tutorial)

2 2 Entity Beans Entity beans represent (persistent) data Every application has data –It is often the case that this data naturally exists as objects e.g. In a Banking application: Account, Customer, Transaction –Applications need a way to map these objects to their database (often an RDBMS) They can write code themselves (e.g. JDBC) They can use an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework

3 3 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) There are several ORM frameworks available for Java: –Hibernate (JBoss) –TopLink (Oracle) –ObJect-relational Bridge - OJB (Apache) –Java Data Objects – JDO (Sun) –Java Persistence (Sun) – The ORM technology used by EJB

4 4 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) There are several ORM frameworks available for Java: –Hibernate (JBoss) Open source framework released by JBoss in 2001 Ported for.NET as NHibernate Uses an object-based query language called Hibernate-QL –TopLink (Oracle) –ObJect-relational Bridge - OJB (Apache) –Java Data Objects – JDO (Sun) –Java Persistence (Sun) – The ORM technology used by EJB

5 5 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) There are several ORM frameworks available for Java: –Hibernate (JBoss) –TopLink (Oracle) TopLink was released by The Object People (TOP) in 1994 for SmallTalk TopLink was re-released in 1997 for Java Oracle acquired TopLink in 2002 TopLink uses expressions for querying –ObJect-relational Bridge - OJB (Apache) –Java Data Objects – JDO (Sun) –Java Persistence (Sun) – The ORM technology used by EJB

6 6 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) There are several ORM frameworks available for Java: –Hibernate (JBoss) –TopLink (Oracle) –ObJect-relational Bridge - OJB (Apache) OJB is an implementation of JDO provided for free by Apache –Java Data Objects – JDO (Sun) –Java Persistence (Sun) – The ORM technology used by EJB

7 7 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) There are several ORM frameworks available for Java: –Hibernate (JBoss) –TopLink (Oracle) –ObJect-relational Bridge - OJB (Apache) –Java Data Objects – JDO (Sun) An ORM standard developed by Sun (released: 2002) Can be used in any JVM Use an object-based query language called JDO-QL –Java Persistence (Sun) – The ORM technology used by EJB

8 8 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) There are several ORM frameworks available for Java: –Hibernate (JBoss) –TopLink (Oracle) –ObJect-relational Bridge - OJB (Apache) –Java Data Objects – JDO (Sun) –Java Persistence (Sun) – The ORM technology used by EJB This technology grew out of the previous technologies –Thus, it is very similar in API to the other technologies discussed The aim is to provide a transparent framework for persisting entities (that are Plain Old Java Objects – POJOs) Java Persistence uses an object-based query language called EJB-QL (also called Java Persistence Query Language)

9 9 Object-Relational Mapping An application has instances of classes (entities): public class Customer { private String firstName; private String lastName; … other fields omitted … } …which need to be stored in RDBMSs: FirstNameLastNameBirthDateCompanyBalance RobertSmith02/16/1956IBM1500.00 SusanJones06/07/1968BEA0.00 FeliciaAlvarez12/31/1977Sun100.00

10 10 Java Persistence Features When using Java Persistence, the container handles: –Relationships between entities –Persistence of the entity’s data All this is in addition to the container’s responsibilities for all EJBs: –Transactions –Security

11 11 Entity: The Bean import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; @Entity public class Customer { @Id public int customerID; // primary key public String firstName; public String lastName; … other fields omitted … } The @Entity annotation marks this class as an entity The @Id annotation marks the customerID field as the primary key for the entity (mapped directly to the database primary key) The data will be persisted to a table with the same name, and the fields will be persisted to columns with the same name

12 12 Entity: The Bean (Alternative #1) import javax.persistence.*; @Entity @Table(name=“CustomerData”) public class Customer { @Id @Column(name=“CustID”, primaryKey=true) public int customerID; @Column(name=“FName”) public String firstName; @Column(name=“LName”) public String lastName; … other fields omitted … } Here, the mapped table and column names are explicitly declared This example uses public fields for the entity’s properties

13 13 Entity: The Bean (Alternative #2) import javax.persistence.*; @Entity @Table(name=“CustomerData”) public class Customer { @Id @Column(name=“CustID”, primeyKey=true) public int getCustomerID() { … }; public void setCustomerID(int value) { … }; private int customerID; @Column(name=“FName”) public String getFirstName() { … }; public void setFirstName(String value) { … }; private String firstName; … other fields omitted … } Here, the entity’s properties are accessed using get/set methods –The actual fields used can now be private, preserving encapsulation @Id 表示该字段为主键

14 14 Entity Clients Entity clients, since EJB 3.0, are most often session beans –Sometimes, developers create a session façade for the entity This is a session bean whose sole purpose is to act as the CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Destroy) for the entity The core of the entity client is the EntityManager –This object can be used to acquire, search for, update, create, and delete entities –An EntityManager can be injected into a session façade

15 15 CRUDs Objects whose purpose is to provide the following functions on an entity: –Create – Create and persist new instances of entities –Read – Find individual entities (by primary key) and search for groups of entities (querying) –Update – Modify entities (locally and in the persistent store) –Destroy – Delete entities (locally and in the persistent store) In Java EE, CRUD functions are provided by the EntityManager class

16 16 EntityManager: Create An entity is pretty much a POJO –It can, therefore, be created in the normal way –However, the entity is not persistent until the EntityManager is told to persist the object: @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; public Customer createCustomer(String fn, String ln) { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setFirstName(fn); customer.setLastName(ln); // customer is not persistent here entityManager.persist(customer); // customer is persistent here return customer; }

17 17 EntityManager: Read #1 (Individual) A specific entity can be found using its primary key: @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; public Customer getCustomer(int customerID) { return entityManager.find(Customer.class, customerID); }

18 18 EntityManager: Read #2 (Search) A search can be performed using a query: @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; public List getAllCustomers() { // this query is EJB-QL, which is similar to SQL String queryString = “select c from Customer c”; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(queryString); return query.getResultList(); }

19 19 EntityManager: Read #3 (Search) Queries can also take parameters: @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; public List getCustomersWithLastName(String lastName) { // this query is EJB-QL, which is similar to SQL String queryString = “select c from Customer c where c.lastName = :lastName”; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(queryString); query.setParameter(“lastName”, lastName); return query.getResultList(); }

20 20 EntityManager: Read #4 (Search) The EJB-QL is sophisticated, and has many features of SQL (e.g. group by/having): @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; public List getCustomersByNameKeyword(String keyword) { // this query is EJB-QL, which is similar to SQL String queryString = “select c from Customer c where c.lastName like :keyword1 or c.firstName like :keyword2”; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(queryString); query.setParameter(“keyword1”, keyword); query.setParameter(“keyword2”, keyword); return query.getResultList(); }

21 21 EntityManager: Read #5 (Entity) A developer can also create named queries in the EJB itself: import javax.persistence.*; @Entity @Table(name=“CustomerData”) @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name="FindByCity", queryString=" select c from Customer c where = ?1") }) public class Customer { @Id @Column(name=“CustID”, primeyKey=true) public int getCustomerID() { … }; … the remainder is no different from previous versions …

22 22 EntityManager: Read #5 (Search) The named queries can be referenced from the client –Notice that no EJB-QL needs to be embedded in this client, which is good for maintenance @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; public List getCustomersByCity(String city) { Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(“FindByCity”); query.setParameter(0, city); return query.getResultList(); }

23 23 EntityManager: Update Once an entity is persisted, it becomes managed –Changes to managed entities are automatically recorded to the persistent store –Changes will no doubt be cached for efficiency, but you can flush() an entityManager to force the changes to be carried out immediately Usually, this is unnecessary entityManager.flush(); // flush all updates The latest database data can also be retrieved into an entity, using the refresh() method: entityManager.refresh(customer1); // update customer1

24 24 EntityManager: Destroy The EntityManager can also be used to delete an entity @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; public void deleteCustomer(int customerID) { Customer customer = manager.find(Customer.class, customerID); manager.remove(customer); }

25 25 Entity Beans Example Entity beans are not remotable and must be access through the new javax.persistence.EntityManager service. JBoss's EJB 3.0 implementation is built on top of Hibernate.

26 26 Order and LineItem two related Entity beans. Order and LineItem. These two beans form a one to many relationship and automatic table generation is used to generate the database tables. all getter/setter methods will be treated as persistence properties. Entity Bean Class definition @Entity @Table(name = "PURCHASE_ORDER") public class Order implements persitence.xml java:/DefaultDS

27 27 Order Field definition private int id; private double total; private Collection lineItems; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) primary key public int getId() @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy="order") public Collection getLineItems() OrderLineItem 1 * Note: The mappedBy attribute specifies that this is a bi-directional relationship that is managed by the order property on the LineItem entity bean. Foreign Key

28 28 LineItem private Order order; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = “order_id”) bi-directional, foreign key public Order getOrder() { return order; } The @JoinColumn specifies the foreign key column within the LineItem table. Note : LineItem (owner side) corresponds to the table with foreign key , while Order is the target side. There is a member variable (order) in class LineItem, which is related to the foreign key order_id in the table. Code: entity

29 29 JBoss Console: manage entity beans

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34 34 Entity Detachment and Reattachment Example @Column annotation @Column(name = "FIRST") public String getFirst() Find by primary key public Customer find(int id) { return manager.find(Customer.class, id); } Find by other fields public List findByLastName(String name) { return manager.createQuery("select c from Customer c where c.last = :name").setParameter("name", name).getResultList(); } Code: merge

35 35 ManyToMany and OneToOne Relationships Example OneToOne –Customer vs. Address ManyToMany –Customer vs. Flight

36 36 OneToOne Customer vs. Address class Customer (contains the foreign key field: address) @OneToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}) @JoinColumn(name = "ADDRESS_ID") public Address getAddress() { return address; }

37 37 ManyToMany Customer vs. Flight There is a many to many relationship between Customer and Flight. In order to have a many to many relationship there needs to be a distinct join table ( 关联表 ) that maps the many to many relationship. This is called an association table. So there is no join column (foreign key) on both sides (table), and we could not distinguish the owner side from the target side. Customer side @ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy="customers") Flight side @ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinTable(table = @Table(name = "flight_customer_table"), joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "FLIGHT_ID")}, inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "CUSTOMER_ID")}) public Set getCustomers() { return customers; } In the above example, Flight is selected as the owner side. In the join table (flight_customer_table, FLIGHT_ID is the foreign key.

38 38 Dependency Injection Example Field definition @EJB private Calculator calculator; Set method private Calculator set; @EJB(beanName="org.jboss.tutorial.injection.bean.CalculatorBean") public void setCalculator(Calculator c) { set = c; } Note: beanName(class name), mappedName (JNDI)

39 39 Composite Primary Keys Example The EJB 3.0 specification allows you to define a primary key class as a @Embeddable and use it as the primary key of your Entity bean. One or more properties can be used as members of the primary key. @Embeddable public class CustomerPK implements mapping the primary key in Customer bean class @EmbeddedId public CustomerPK getPk() { return pk; }

40 40 Timer Service Example An EJB bean can register a timer with the EJB Timer service. In the EJB 2.1 specification it was required to implement an interface to get ejbTimeout callbacks. It is still being debated in the EJB 3.0 EG on whether an interface or annotation should be used to specify this callback. In JBoss EJB 3 Preview, it is implemented as an annotation. All you have to define is a method annotated with javax.ejb.Timeout. This is the same with other callbacks like @PrePassviate, @PostRemove, etc... No interface is needed to be implemented, just declare the methods as you need them.

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