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Trousers French fries Crisps sidewalk Lift Soda Film.

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3 Trousers French fries Crisps sidewalk Lift Soda Film



6 Woman: You can’t see my pants, can you? Man: Of course I can. Woman: How can you see my pants? Man: They’re on your legs!

7 Trousers ['tra ʊ zəz] Pants [pæn(t)s]

8 Woman: Would you like a crisp? Man: Crisps? In the States, they’re “chips”! Woman: Oh. So if I want to order our chips in America, what do I ask for? Man: French fries! Woman: I see.

9 Chips [t ʃ ips] French fries [fren(t) ʃ ] [fra ɪ z]

10 Crisps [krisps] Chips [t ʃ ips]

11 Man: And you know what that is, don’t you? Woman: A fizzy drink. Man: That’s a “soda”! Woman: Hmm… Man: You know the lift over there? Woman: Yeah? Man: That’s an elevator.

12 Fizzy drink ['f ɪ z ɪ ] Soda ['sə ʊ də]

13 Lift [lift] Elevator ['el ɪ ve ɪ tə]

14 Man: You know in the States, you don’t go to watch a film... Woman: You “watch a movie”! Man: Exactly! And you don’t walk on the pavement… Woman: You walk on the “sidewalk”! Man: You got it!

15 pavement ['pe ɪ vm(ə)nt] sidewalk ['sa ɪ dw ɔː k]

16 Film [f ɪ lm] Movie ['mu ː v ɪ ]



19 French fries Soda Sidewalk Movie Elevator Chips Pants


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