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Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation. LEAD-IN.

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2 Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation. LEAD-IN

3 Warm up questions 1. How was your summer holidays? 2. Did you go travelling during your holiday? Where did you go? 3.How did you go there?

4 bus Discuss the means of transportation you have used. subway taxi train

5 Discuss the means of transportation you have used. plane carlight rail ferry

6 Ask & Answer Example: A: Have you ever taken the subway? B: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

7 Do you know the difference between subway and light rail? 承载能力: 地铁:轴重大于 13 吨,平面曲线半径不小于 300 米, 运输能力 3-7 万人次,列车编组可达 4-10 节。 轻轨:轴重小于 13 吨,平面曲线半径一般在 100- 200 米之间,运输能力 0.6-2 万人次,轻轨列车编 组为 2-4 节。 每小时客流量: 地铁: 3-6 万人次 轻轨: 1-3 万人次

8 What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use? Fare( 花费 ) Convenience ( 方便 ) Safety( 安全 ) Comfort ( 舒适 ) Speed( 速度 ) Comparing

9 Transport AdvantagesDisadvantages

10 Let’s discuss! Comparing

11 Transport AdvantagesDisadvantages 1. more expensive than the train or bus. 2. not convenient for visiting inland places 1. quick 2. comfortable 3. provides meals 1. expensive, 2. journey ends far from the city 1. very cheap 2. efficient for short journeys 3. goes to small towns/ cities 1. takes longer than the train or airplane 2. no meals 3. uncomfortable 1. cheaper than the airplane 2. journey ends in the center of the town/ city 1. takes longer than the airplane 2. no meals 1. cheaper than the airplane 2. provides accommodation (住宿) and meals

12 Read aloud after the tape and underline. Li Xiaohong: Bob: Li Xiaohong: Bob: Li Xiaohong: Hi, Bob! Did you go anywhere during the holiday? Yes. I have just come back from Beijing. Great. How did you go there? By train. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery on the way. What is the transportation like in Beijing?

13 Read aloud after the tape and underline. Bob: Li Xiaohong: Bob: Li Xiaohong: Sara: It’s good. The transportation in Beijing has changed a lot. There are more subways and light rails. Really? Did you take the light rail? Of course, the light rail was very comfortable. Did you visit Tiananmen Square? Yeah! I went there by subway. It was very fast.

14 Ask & Answer 1. Where did Li Xiaohong go during the holiday? 2. How did she go there? 3. Did she take the light rail? What did she think of it? 4. How did she go to Tianmen Square?

15 Homework: 1. Go over all the means of transportation. 2. Recite the dialogue.

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