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Connecticut SDE Bureau of Student Assessment CTEAG DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP WITH ASES AND TILSA SCASS GROUPS Wednesday, June 23, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecticut SDE Bureau of Student Assessment CTEAG DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP WITH ASES AND TILSA SCASS GROUPS Wednesday, June 23, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecticut SDE Bureau of Student Assessment CTEAG DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP WITH ASES AND TILSA SCASS GROUPS Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2 Connecticut SDE 2 Bureau of Student Assessment Present accommodation used in CT Human Reader & Text Reader  Students are allowed  Human reader or  Computer text reader during assessment.

3 Connecticut SDE 3 Research Questions?  Does the accommodation change the item properties?  Does the accommodation change the construct assessed?  Does the accommodation increase performance of SWD more than performance of SWOD? Bureau of Student Assessment

4 Connecticut SDE 4 Bureau of Student Assessment Lessons Learned From First Study Results from first study- Grade 7 Reading Comprehension  Text reader accommodation did not change item properties  Did not change test construct  Did not increase achievement for SWD more than SWOD  Can we expand the use of text reader to accommodate math assessment?  Address concerns from pervious study-  Quality of voice during text-reader portion  Visual cues provided on computer screen during text-reader portion

5 Connecticut SDE 5 Bureau of Student Assessment Evaluation Question:  Can text readers replace human readers in Large Scale Math Assessments?  What are the logistical barriers and advantages?  What are the technological barriers and advantages?  Should we consider this as a permanent feature for all subjects as part of a computerized, statewide, large-scale assessment?  Can we standardize the manner in which read aloud material is delivered to students who need this accommodation or, if policy permits, any student who would want to use this feature?

6 Connecticut SDE 6 Results of 2 nd Study  Text reader accommodation did not change item statistics  Did not change test construct  Did increase performance for SWD more than SWOD  CT decided to make available a text reader accommodation on our online test Bureau of Student Assessment

7 Connecticut SDE 7 CT Testing and Text Reader Accommodation  In 2010 testing administration we provided text reader accommodation (directions only) to over 10,000 students.  In 2011 we hope to increase the availability of text reader accommodations (directions only & test items) to over 20,000 students including ELL students  Useful for documenting in Peer Review for AA-MAS  Helps us as we move toward more online testing since we joined the SMARTER/BALANCED consortium Bureau of Student Assessment

8 Connecticut SDE 8 Bureau of Student Assessment Survey Results 5. I found it easy to use the text reader.

9 Connecticut SDE 9 Bureau of Student Assessment Survey Results 7. I would like to use text reader in my classes.

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