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Run-on Sentences Comma Splices Two independent clauses combined with no joining elements:,FANBOYS semicolon “ ; ”

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Presentation on theme: "Run-on Sentences Comma Splices Two independent clauses combined with no joining elements:,FANBOYS semicolon “ ; ”"— Presentation transcript:


2 Run-on Sentences Comma Splices

3 Two independent clauses combined with no joining elements:,FANBOYS semicolon “ ; ”

4 Dolphins have killed sharks they never attack humans. Dolphins have killed sharks they never attack humans. &

5 Two independent clauses incorrectly joined (spliced) together with only a comma. Dolphins have killed sharks, they never attack humans.

6 How to Correct Run-Ons and Comma Splices There are three common ways to correct run-ons and comma splices. METHOD 1: Use a Period and a Capital Letter Run-onThe computer hummed loudly the sound was annoying Comma SpliceThe computer hummed loudly, the sound was annoying. Correct VersionThe computer hummed loudly. The sound was annoying.

7 METHOD 2: Use a Comma and a Coordinating Conjunction (,FANBOYS). Run-onDolphins have killed sharks they never attack humans. Comma SpliceDolphins have killed sharks, they never attack humans. Correct VersionDolphins have killed shark, but they never attack humans.

8 Run-onThe garden is overgrown the fence is falling down. Comma SpliceThe garden is overgrown, the fence is falling down. Correct VersionThe garden is overgrown, and the fence is falling down. METHOD 2: Use a Comma and a Coordinating Conjunction (,FANBOYS).

9 Run-onThe little boy appeared to be lost several women stopped to help him. Comma SpliceThe little boy appeared to be lost, several women stopped to help him. Correct VersionThe little boy appeared to be lost, so several women stopped to help him. METHOD 2: Use a Comma and a Coordinating Conjunction (,FANBOYS).

10 METHOD 3: Use a semicolon to connect related ideas. Run-onRain fell steadily outside it was a good day to stay indoors. Comma SpliceRain fell steadily outside, it was a good day to stay indoors. Correct VersionRain fell steadily outside; it was a good day to stay indoors.

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