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 RESPONSIBILITY: FP7 Co-ordination action  Aim: contribute to development of RRI Governance Framework for future European Commission (and eventually.

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2  RESPONSIBILITY: FP7 Co-ordination action  Aim: contribute to development of RRI Governance Framework for future European Commission (and eventually other European) projects  Methodology: Construct Forum and Observatory ◦ Forum: Space for deliberation and development of RRI ◦ Observatory: Space for monitoring, dissemination and training re RRI

3  Proposal to develop dual Forum-Observatory Structure originated in EGAIS and ETICA projects  Theoretical background: ◦ Problem of norm-construction and reflexivity ◦ Need to be attentive to conditions for effective norm construction  Reflexivity: Reflecting on conditions for action  Context: Awareness of actors’ specific conditions, constraints  Norms constructed on basis other than argumentation: avoiding abstactions from conditions for action

4  EGAIS Governance Recommendations: ◦ REPOSITORY (Observatory in RESPONSIIBLITY)  Accessible repository for procedures and methodology  Facilitates impact assessments  Monitoring RRI developments  Recording function: best practices and experiences  Dissemination  Resource and document repository  Training and dissemination ◦ FORUM  Platform for stakeholders and representatives  Basis broader than argumentation  Exchange experience and develop ethical reflexivity  Build bridges between civil society and policy makers  Early warning mechanism for new issues

5  Aim of Forum is to develop a reflexive approach to RRI Governance to realise core RRI values, namely: ◦ Transparency ◦ Interactivity ◦ Inclusion of societal actors and innovators ◦ Mutual responsiveness ◦ Ethical acceptability, sustainability, social desirability ◦ Proper embedding of scientific and technological advances

6  Forum aims to realise these aims by: ◦ Providing space for reflection and deliberation relating to core values ◦ Allowing for broader reflexivity by providing space for reflecting on conditions for action (e.g. particpation in constructing governance framework) ◦ Feeding into construction of tools and content for Observatory

7  This Workshop aims to provide a first contact for RRI stakeholders to contribute to the modalities for the Forum  Aims ◦ Raise awareness of RESPONSIBILITY project ◦ Contribute to constructing network ◦ Gain feedback on proposals so far ◦ Gather experiences from people with background in field ◦ Gather suggestions for further development of Forum

8  Reflexivity is a contested concept, but the following elements should be taken into account in order to promote reflexivity in the Forum: ◦ How to avoid reducing debate to argumentation? ◦ How to connect problem definitions to resolutions? ◦ How to open and address problem of context of research and innovation issues?

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