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%r;B' To bless rk;z" To remember !qez" To become old.

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Presentation on theme: "%r;B' To bless rk;z" To remember !qez" To become old."— Presentation transcript:


2 %r;B' To bless

3 rk;z" To remember

4 !qez" To become old

5 qz"x' Become strong; have courage

6 [d'y" To know

7 db;K' To be heavy; be honored

8 bt;K' To write

9 alem' To fill

10 %l;m' To become king; reign

11 ac'm' To find, obtain

12 dq;P' To attend, pay attention to, take care of, number, appoint

13 bk;v' Lie down

14 xl;v' To send, stretch out

15 rm;v' To guard, observe

16 lAdG"h; ~y"h; The great sea

17 tAab'c. hw"hy> LORD of hosts

18 ADs.x; rk;z" He remembered his mercy

19 ~r"b.a;-ta, hw"hy> tr:K He cut tyrIB. the Lord (with) Abram a covenant

20 ADs.x; ~yhil{a rk;z He remembered God His loyalty

21 y[iybiV.h;{ ~Ay-ta, ~yhil{a/ %r;b' He blessed Godthe daythe seventh

22, !yIq; [d:y" He knew Cain his wife

23 hr"yVih;-ta, hv,mo bt;k' He wroteMosesthe song aWhh; ~AYB; taZOh; this in the day that he (that same) laer"f.yI ynEB.- ta, Hd"M.l;y>w: and he taught the sonsof Israel

24 ds,x,h; %l,M,h; rk;z"-al{ He did not remember hw"hy> the kingthe loyalty of the Lord

25 ynEv.-!yBe bv;y" dwId" Davidhe satbetweentwo ry[ih' ~yrI['V.h; the gatesof the city

26 hZ<h; %a'l.m; yTix.l;v' I sentmessengerthis

27 wyl'g>r: tx;t; Under his feet

28 hd,f' Field, country, land

29 ~yrIb'D>h; tr h; tr<f,[] tyrIB.h; He wrote yrEb.DI tae hw"hy> bt;K' The Lordthe words of the covenant of tenwords

30 lAdG" yAg tae ~yhil{a/ hf'[' He madeGoda nationgreat

31 j[;m. Few, little

32 hT'[; At last, after all

33 qyDIc; Righteous

34 ~d"a' lysik. A foolish man

35 bwOrq' Near

36 hv,q' Difficult

37 qAxr' Distant

38 yli-ar"B. rAhj' ble A heart !Akn" x:Wrw> ~yhil{a/ cleanCreatefor me O God And a spirit established yBir>qiB. vDEx; renew In my inner parts

39 ~y[iv'r>h' yMi[;w> ynIa] Iand my people (are) wicked ones

40 lk'yhe tAryvi Songs of the temple

41 #r<a'h' tm;h/b, Beasts of the earth

42 hw"hy> tK;r>Bi Blessing of the Lord

43 ~yaiJ'x; ~yvin"a] Sinful men

44 raeB.h; yPi-l[; hl'doG> !b,a,h' A stonea great(was) on the face of the well

45 hw"hy>- dAbK. !Kov.YI Dwelledgloryof the Lord yn:ysi rh;-l[; on mountSinai

46 A tree ayhi ~yYIx;- #[e of life(is) she

47 lWbG> Border, boundary

48 ds,x, Lovingkindness loyalty

49 vd,xo Month (new moon)

50 tw<m' Death

51 hJ,m; Staff, rod, branch, tribe

52 rB'd>mi Wilderness

53 hl'[o Burnt offering

54 ~ynIP' Face

55 hM'a; Cubit

56 dg<B, Clothing, Garment

57 ~ykil'm. h['B'r>a; Four kings

58 [r;z< Seed

59 rcex' Enclosure, courtyard, village

60 hl'y>l; Night

61 hl'y>l; Night

62 tAMa; vmex' Five cubits

63 Messenger, Angel %a'l.m;

64 Youth, boy, servant rW[n"

65 Inheritance, possession hl'x]n:

66 Only qr;

67 Continually dymiT'

68 lk;a' Eat

69 rm;a' He said

70 %l;h' Go, walk

71 hy"h' He was

72 ac'y" Go out, Go forth

73 !t;n" Give

74 hf'[' Do, make

75 ha'r' See

76 hw"hy> lAq-ta, W[m.v' They heard the voice of the Lord

77 hw"hy>-tyrIB. !Ara] Ark of the covenant of the Lord

78 hx'n>mi Gift, offering

79 tB'v; Sabbath

80 txoLuh;-l[; bTok.YIw: tr<f,[] tyrIB.h; yrEb.DI tae ~yrIb'D>h; And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant ten words

81 ytiyair" haor" hw"hy> rm,aYOw: ~yIr"c.miB. rv,a] yMi[; ynI[\-ta, And he said YahwehSeeing I have seen the affliction of my people who (are) in Egypt

82 ~d"a'h'-l[; ~yhil{a/ hw"hy> wc;y>w: lkoa' !G"h;-#[e lKomi rmoale lkeaTo And he commanded Yahweh Godto the man saying From every tree of the garden eating you shall eat

83 ynEv.-ta, ~yhil{a/ f[;Y:w: ~ylidoG>h; troaoM.h; And he made God two the lights the great ones

84 hw"hy> hf'[' ~ymiy"- tv,ve yKi ~Y"h;-ta, #r ~yIm:åV'h;-ta, ~B'ê-rv,a]-lK'-ta,w> ForsixdaysHe madethe Lord the heavens and the earththe seas andallwho(is) in them


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