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Understanding learners’ beliefs of language learning, learners, and teachers through their personal metaphors An Action Research Project by RAB İ A YILMAZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding learners’ beliefs of language learning, learners, and teachers through their personal metaphors An Action Research Project by RAB İ A YILMAZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding learners’ beliefs of language learning, learners, and teachers through their personal metaphors An Action Research Project by RAB İ A YILMAZ GED İ Z UNIVERSITY

2 Why metaphors? Metaphors structure our part of thinking, which are perceptions, thoughts and actions. (Saban, Koçbeker, 2007)

3 As the mental metaphor theory ( Lakoff and Johnson, 1980) indicates, metaphors shape individuals’ ideas about the world and reality, so metaphors enable individuals to compare the abstract or complex phenomena to the more concrete or experienced ones and develop an understanding for unknown phenomena. (Yücel, Koçak, Cula, 2009)

4 … knowing what images the students have of their teachers is important, as these mental representations may contain information about the expectations that the learners have regarding their teachers and organization of the classroom activities. Learners ’ metaphors are also informative because they may indicate the modes of behaviour the students are likely to adhere to in the classroom. ( Nikitina, Furuoka, 2008)

5 QUESTIONS What are the students’ metaphors for language learning, learners and teachers? How do metaphors help us understand how learners perceive language learning, learners and teachers? How much can we simplify or enhance language learning by identifying and interpreting their hidden concepts? Is it possible to change the cognition of students and teachers towards learning, learners and teachers?

6 De Guerrero and Villamil (2001) Cooperative leader (a coach, a conductor) Provider of knowledge (the Sun) Challenger or agent of change (a lion tamer) Nurturer (a bee, a gardener) Innovator (an explorer, a convertible car) Provider of tools (a tool carrier) Artist (a potter) Repairer (a mechanic of the mind) Gym instructor (a person startin an aerobics class)

7 Oxford, Tomlinson, Barselos, Harrington, Lavine, Saleh, & Longhini, 1998 Social Order the individual is reduced ‘to a malleable medium which can be shaped into socially useful product’ (Oxford et al., 1998:8) Cultural Transmission initiating the learner into ‘the correct cannon of a certain culture’ (Oxford et al., 1998:9) Learner-Centered Growth providing the learner with the correct environment in which inner mind could develop Social Reform includes elements from each other three views taking the needs of the society and the learner, focusing on the interactive character of life

8 The students were asked to complete the following sentences using metaphors. English teachers are … because … English learners are … because … Learning English is … because …

9 About Data: From three levels: 223 from A1 86 from A2 33 from B1 142 female + 200 male participants 342 in total 1026 – expected number of metaphors 314 of them are valid ( nearly 30 % ) The rest includes adjectives or no answers, thus partly excluded from the data analysis

10 The number and percentage of valid answers For the first sentence: - 132 valid answers ( 38% ) For the second sentence: - 85 valid answers ( 25% ) For the third sentence: - 97 valid answers ( 28% )

11 Martinez, Sauleda, and Huber (2001) Behaviourist : The teacher’s function is to transmit or provide information, which makes learner a recipient of knowledge. Cognitive: Learning is an individual construction of knowledge, and this perspective focuses more on the students’ notions of the elaboration and organization of knowledge, active role, understanding of concepts, intrinsic motivation and transfer. Socio-cultural: Learning is a participation in the activities in the social community (class) in the search of knowledge. behaviourist cognitivesocio-cultural behaviouristcognitivesocio-cultural

12 According to the results: For the first statement For the first statement: - 70 % - Behaviorist - 5 % - Cognitive - 5 % - Socio-cultural For the second statement For the second statement: - 44 % - Behaviorist - 33 % - Cognitive - 3 % - Socio-cultural valid answers were obtained.

13 Herron (1982) Mind-body metaphor - language learning is viewed as mental gymnastics aimed to strengthen and discipline the learner’s mind mind mind Production metaphor - the aim of language teaching is to produce a marketable and skillful workforce production production

14 For the third statement… 17 % - Mind-body 8 % - Production metaphors were obtained

15 Extra data: The metaphors used to define learning regarding the process in which students learn is …is Excluded answers with adjectives mostly describe learning as a torture, impossible, painful, BUT necessary even if they think it must not be so.

16 Thanks for your cooperation and contribution

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