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Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices Microelectronics, BSc course Field effect transistors.

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1 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices Microelectronics, BSc course Field effect transistors 2: The MOSFETs

2 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 2 The abstraction level of our study: SYSTEM MODULE + GATE CIRCUIT n+ SD G DEVICE V out V in

3 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 3 Field effect transistors 1 ► FET = Field Effect Transistor – the flow of charge carriers is influenced by electric field transversal field is used to control Channel JUNCTION FET: depletion layers of pn- junctions close the channel ► Unipolar device: current is conducted by majority carriers ► Power needed for controlling the device  0 Most important parameter: U 0 pinch-off voltage Flow depletion layer

4 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 4 Field effect transistors 2 ► MOSFET: Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor FET First type: depletion mode device Most important parameter: U 0 pinch off voltage - Bulk Second type: enhancement mode device Most important parameter: V T threshold voltage Most frequently used today + depletion layer oxide inversion layer oxide

5 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 5 Field effect transistors 3 ► Symbols: n channel p channel n channel enhancement mode p channel enhancement mode p channel depletion mode n channel depletion mode p channel depletion mode n channel enhancement mode

6 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 6 MOSFETs ► More realistic cross-sectional view of enhnacement mode MOSFETs: Gate oxide n+ SourceDrain p substrate Bulk contact p+ stopper Field-Oxide (SiO 2 ) n+ Polysilicon Gate

7 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 7 The most modern MOSFETs: ► 2007/2008, Intel:

8 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 8 How is it manufactured?

9 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 9 Poli-Si gate self-aligned device PSG metallization, contact window thin oxideSource/drain dopingpoli-Si gate Structure: Layout: L W

10 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 10 Steps of the self-aligned poli-Si gate process 1) Open window for the active region M  photolitography, field oxide etching 2) Growth of thin oxide 3) Window for hidden contacts M  Contacts the poli-Si gate (yet to be deposited) with the active region (after doping). 3) Deposit poli-Si 4) Patterning of poli-SiM 5) Open window through the thin oxide (etching only)

11 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 11 Steps of the self-aligned poli-Si gate process 6) n+ doping: Form source and drain regions as well as wiring by diffusion lines. Through the hidden contact poli-Si gate will also be connected to diffused lines. 7) Deposit phosphor-silica glass (PSG) as insulator 8) Open contact windows through PSG-n M 9) Metallization 10) Patterning metallization layerM

12 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 12 Further topics: ► Overview of operation of MOS transistors ► Characteristics ► Secondary effects ► Models

13 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 13 Operation of MOSFETs ► The simplest (logic) model:  open (off) / short (on) Gate Source (of carriers) Drain (of carriers) | V GS | | V GS | < | V T | | V GS | > | V T | Open (off) (Gate = ‘0’) Closed (on) (Gate = ‘1’) R on open short enhancement mode device

14 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 14 Operation of MOSFETs ► n-channel device:  electrons are flowing ► p-channel device:  holes are flowing  same operation, change of the signs ► Normally OFF device: at 0 gate (control) voltage the are "open" (enhancement mode device) ► Normally ON device: at 0 gate (control) voltage the are "short" (depletion mode device)

15 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 15 Overview of MOSFET types

16 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 16

17 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 17 Overview of the operation  As a result of electrical field perpendicular to the gate surface positive charges accumulate at the metal (gate) in the p-type semiconductor –first the positive charges are "swept" out and a depletion layer is formed –further increasing the electric field, negative carriers are collected from the bulk under the metal –if the voltage at the surface exceeds a threshold value, the type of the semiconducter gets "inverted": an inversion layer is formed  V T threshold voltage – the minimal voltage needed to form the inversion layer; depends on: the energy levels of the semiconductor material the thickness and the dielectric constant of the oxide (SiO 2 ) the doping level and dielectric constant of the semiconductor (Si) ► The operation is based on the so called MOS capacitance:

18 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 18 Overview of the operation ► Surface phenomena in case of the MOS capacitance Strong inversion: U F = 2  F Accumulation Depletion Inversion

19 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 19 The MOS transistor ► MOS capacitance completed by two electrodes at its two sides: ► n-channel device: current conducted by electrons ► p-channel device: current conducted by holes

20 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 20 Qualitative operation of the MOSFET ► If V GS > V T, inversion layer is formed  the electrons drifted there are all sank in the n+ region and the circuit is closed  the n+ region at the source can inject electrons into the inversion channel  the positive potential at the drain induces flow of electrons in the channel,  the positive potential of the drain reverse biases the pn junction formed there

21 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 21 Qualitative operation of the MOSFET  the charge density in channel depends on the V GS voltage  there is a voltage drop in the channel, thus, the thickness of the inversion layer will deminish along the channel  at a given V DSsat saturation voltage the thickness will reach 0, this is the so called pinch-off V DSsat = V GS - V T After this voltage is reached, the MOSFET operates in saturation mode, the drain voltage does not influence the drain current any longer.

22 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 22 Qualitative operation of the MOSFET In the pinch-off region the charge transort takes place by means of diffusion current.

23 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 23 I-V charactersitics output charactersitic: I D =f(U DS ), parameter: U GS input characteristc: I D =f(U GS ) Output characteristic: In saturation: The circuit designer can change the geometry only: the W width and the L length current constant

24 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 24 Example Calculate the saturation current of a MOSFET for U GS =5V if V T =1V, and the geometry a) W= 5μm, L=0.4μm, b) W= 0.8μm, L=5μm ! a) b)b) By changing the W/L ratio the drain current can be changed by orders of magnitude

25 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 25 I-V charactersitics I D (A) V DS (V) X 10 -4 V GS = 1.0V V GS = 1.5V V GS = 2.0V V GS = 2.5V lineárisszaturáció V DSsat = V GS - V T Quadratic dependece nMOS tranzisztor, 0.25um, L d = 10um, W/L = 1.5, V DD = 2.5V, V T = 0.4V cut-off Voltage controlled current source voltage controlled resistor

26 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 26 Overview of the physics: ► Charges and potentials at the surface ► The threshold voltage ► The charateristics ► Secondary effects

27 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 27 Potentials of the MOS structure oxide semiconductor

28 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 28 Potentials of the MOS structure

29 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 29 The threshold voltage of the MOSFET Inversion

30 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 30 The threshold voltage of the MOSFET

31 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 31 The threshold voltage of the MOSFET Bulk constant: Flat-band potential: FBF T V   SBF U  2 2 P 

32 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 32 Data of a MOS structure: N a = 4  10 15 /cm 3, dielectric constant of Si> 11,8, dielectric constant of oxide: 3,9, oxide thickness d ox = 0,03  m,  MS = 0,2 V, Q SS is neglected. Calculate the Fermi potential, the oxide capacitance, the bulk constants and the threshold voltage if U SB = 0 V! Problem

33 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 33 The charactersitics of an enhnacement mode MOSFET Later we shall calculate these! inversion layer saturation triode region

34 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 34 Derivation of the charactersitic U(0) = U GS, U(L) = U GD Q i (U) = Q i [U(x)] inversion layer

35 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 35 Derivation of the charactersitic inversion layer

36 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 36 Derivation of the charactersitic For all regions of operation! inversion layer

37 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 37 The saturation region For all regions of operation! Saturation: U GD < V T inversion layer

38 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 38 Overview of all types of MOSFETs

39 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 39 Like an enhance mode MOSFET with a negative threshold voltage Depletion mode MOSFET

40 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 40 Capacitances of the MOSFET Bulk S/D – B capacitance: reverse biased PN junction inversion layer

41 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 41 The gate capacitance: t ox n + n + Cross section L Gate oxide x d x d L d Polysilicon gate Top view Gate-bulk overlap Source n + Drain n + W

42 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 42 Secondary effects ► Channel length reduction ► Narrow channel operation ► Temperature dependence ► Subthreshold current

43 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 43 Dependence of threshold voltage on geometry Short channel: V T decreases Narrow channel: V T increases

44 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 44 Velocity saturation ► Influences the operation of short channel devices In a L = 0.25  m channel device a few Volts of D-S voltage may already result in velocity saturation. Velocity saturation the speed of carriers (due to the collisions) becomes constant  (V/  m)  n (m/s)  sat =10 5 Constant velocity constant mobility (slope =  ) c= c= 5

45 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 45 Velocity saturation ► In short channel device velocity saturation takes place sooner (at lower voltage) IDID Long channel devices Short channel devices V DSAT V GS -V T V GS = V DD VDSVDS

46 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 46 Short channel charactersitics I D (A) V DS (V) X 10 -4 V GS = 1.0V V GS = 1.5V V GS = 2.0V V GS = 2.5V Linear dependence Early velocity saturation LinearSaturation nMOS transistor, 0.25um, L d = 10um, W/L = 1.5, V DD = 2.5V, V T = 0.4V

47 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 47 Temperature dependence

48 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 48 Subthreshold current ► Assuming a given V T is rough model; in reality the current vanishes exponentially with the gate voltage: I D (A) V GS (V) 10 -12 10 -2 subthreshold, exponential region quadratic region linear region VTVT I D ~ I S e (qV GS /nkT) where n  1

49 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 49 Subthreshold current ► Continuous transition between the ON and OFF states  Subthreshold is undesired: strong deviation from the switch model ► I 0, n – empirical parameters, n is typically 1.5 ► Slope factor: S = n (kT/q) ln (10) (tipically: 60..100 mV/decade) – the smaller the better, depends on n értékétől függ. Can be reduced by SOI: SiO 2 Si Si substrate e.g. SIMOX process

50 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 50 Subthreshold I D (V GS ) charactersitic V DS : 0.. 0.5V

51 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 51 Subthreshold I D (V DS ) charactersitic V GS : 0.. 0.3V

52 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 52 MOS transistor models ► Neded for circuit simulators (SPICE, TRANZ-TRAN, ELDO, SABER, stb) ► Different levels of complexity:  level0, 1, 2,...n,  EKV,  BSIM3, BSIM4

53 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 53 Examples for MOSFETs Micro-photograph by SEM Photograph by optical microscope S G D inversion layer

54 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 54 Some more complex MOS circuits n- & p-channel devices : CMOS circuit, see later

55 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Electron Devices 13-11-2008 Microelectronics BSc course, The MOSFETs © András Poppe & Vladimír Székely, BME-EET 2008 55 Some more complex MOS circuits Designed by CAD tools

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