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Russia Take notes you will be responsible for the information you receive.

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1 Russia Take notes you will be responsible for the information you receive

2 Lake Baikal-Deepest Lake in the World.

3 Mongols The main group of settlers in Russia were known as the SLAVS During the 13 th century the Mongols invaded Russia. Ruled for about 300 years until “Ivan the Great” drove them out of Russia Genghis Khan

4 Ivan the Terrible was the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547 and was the first ruler of Russia to assume the title of tsar (or czar). He was crowned king at age 16 after he was raised by another royal family with his parents passing. Ivan revised the law code, created a standing army (established the first Russian parliament of the feudal estates, the council of the nobles known as the Chosen Council, and confirmed the position of the Church.

5 Ivan the Terrible Ivan the Great Ivan is known for being mentally unstable. Ivan ordered many of his people to murder mass numbers of nobles. Some researchers believe as many as 2-3 thousand in 1 year.

6 Ivan is most remembered for the accidental killing of his son.

7 the 1682-1725 Peter the Great 1682-1725 Moved the Capital from Kiev to St. PetersburgMoved the Capital from Kiev to St. Petersburg Location picked to be strategic to Western Europe.Location picked to be strategic to Western Europe. Known as the “Window to the west”Known as the “Window to the west”

8 Bolsheviks Brutal Political party that came to power. Once in power murdered Nicholas II-

9 Nicholas II Known as the last czar (tsar). Married a German women which made most of the people not trust not like him. In February 1917 in Petrograd a combination of very severe cold weather allied with acute food shortages caused people to start to break shop windows to get bread and other necessaries. In the streets red banners appeared and the crowds chanted 'Down with the German woman!' Down with Protopopov! Down with the war! The last known photograph of Nicholas II, taken after his abdication in March 1917


11 Russian Revolution 1917 Bolsheviks Party: allowed the Communist to take control over Russia Became the Union of Soviets Socialist Republics (USSR)


13 Ethnic Groups Over 70 different groups of people ethnic groups in Russia

14 Russian Religions Most of Russian are claim Christianity. The most prominent religions in Russia are: Orthodox Christian, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism.

15 Stalin and WWII Stalin who linked up with the Allie powers to bring Hitler’s reign to an end. What happened right after World War II ended between the United States and the USSR? Joseph Stalin იოსებ სტალინი Иосиф Сталин

16 Cold War Tension that developed between the U.S. and the USSR between 1945-1991. No actual physical fighting took place. We did compete in every aspect of “life” What are some of the ways that the U.S. and the Soviets competed?

17 Unique to Russia Dachas Small, plain houses with vegetable gardens Banya Russian bathhouse/steam house

18 Just FYI

19 Command Economy vs. Market Economy Command Economy- strong central government runs everything. Most popular under Communist government Market Economy-”let the market decide” Found in a capitalist society

20 Mikhail Gorbachev the last head of state of the USSR, serving from 1985 until its collapse in 1991. His attempts at reform — perestroika (Russian word for economic reform) and glasnost (open- policies of the government) —

21 Privatization The process of selling government- owned businesses to individual and private companies

22 Fall of the “Iron Curtain Fall of the “Iron Curtain” After Communism came to an end many new countries “sprang” up. Ex: Azerbaijan Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan

23 Azerbaijan- “Land of Flames” The ancient Azerbaijanis had the highest respect for fire. They considered it as life-giver and protector. Zoroastrianism, a religion based on the worship of fire,

24 Chechnya Remained with the USSR after the “Iron Curtain” fell. Experienced the most Violence.


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