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Members of the Committee:

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1 Members of the Committee:
Thesis Proposal Sina Moeini Ardakani Members of the Committee: Prof. M. J. Buehler Dr. S. R. Hyde Prof. J. Li Prof. R. J. –M. Pellenq Jul 9, 2015

2 Displacive VS. Diffusion
Mechanical Twinning Dislocation glide Martensitic transformation Diffusion: Dislocation climb Precipitation Dissolution Civilian (Diffusion) Military (Displacive)

3 Part I. Methodology

4 Scope of Simulations Multi-scale simulation Experiments

5 Statistical Mechanics
System consists of N atoms Phase-Space 6N dim. 3N Position 3N Momentum Poisson-Boltzmann weight distribution

6 Thermo. Quant. & Ergodicity
Thermodynamic Quantities: Ergodicity: No need to integrate all over the phase space Follow the system trajectory over long periods of time Calculate the thermodynamics quantities by averaging out over time

7 MD Potential Energy : based on the given potentials from first principles EAM Potential:

8 MD Initial Configuration Update X Using Velocity & Timestep
Assign Velocities Update Velocity using Newton’s 2nd Law Calculate Energy & Forces

9 Diffusive MD Capture diffusive timescale
Passes through trillions of energy barriers No catalog event required Gaussian variation coupled with diffusion. Degrees of freedom per atomic site (5): Position (3) + Gaussian width (1) + occupation probability (1) Minimize free energy Evolution of occ. prob. due to diffusion master equation

10 Chemical integration step
Diffusive MD Chemical integration step Minimize F w.r.t. and

11 Diffusive MD Advantage of a continuous site-probability representation at atomic resolution Probability Wave of Vacancy Random Walker Representing long-range mass transport by vacancy random walk with MD, hyper-MD or kinetic Monte Carlo could require trillions of vacancy hops – impractical and unnecessary

12 What is MAPP? MAPP = MIT Atomistic Parallel Package
Open source MD/DMD software Written in C++, parallel using MPI Available online for public:

13 Why write a new code? Easier to manipulate the source code.
Designed and optimized for metallic potentials 38% faster than the most popular MD code (LAMMPS) (Benchmark performed on 100 processors). New parallelization schemes for faster data transfer between processors. Equipped with DMD. New minimization algorithm (L-BFGS) (not possible in LAMMPS).

14 Example of Input File Initial config. Force Field type
Force Field file Record snapshot Minimization Print the thermo. quantity Set ensemble Boltz. const. Setup time step Strain the box RUN!!!

15 Example of Output File

16 Part II. White Etching Area

17 Achilles Hill of Wind Turbines
Wind turbines bearings fail well before their life expectancy The macro cause of failure is usually material spalling or radial cracking of raceway Cracks are almost always accompanied by White Etching Areas (WEAs) WEA: Cause or symptom? Chicken or Egg issue But why it happens more often in wind turbines? Changes in speed and direction (not uniform) Engagement and disengagement with the gearbox

18 WEA Micro-Structural Features in WEA:
Ferrite with supersaturated carbon Equiaxed, nano-grains sizes (10-100nm) Absence of Carbides Harder than surrounding matrix Possible causes of WEA in Wind Turbines: Hydrogen embrittlement Strain rate Plastic deformation in presence of cracks and voids Fig. 6. Scanning electron microscope image of resulting nanohardness indentations with corresponding measured hardness value. Five of the six indents shown; the sixth indent not shown measured 10.1 GPa. Greco, Sheng, Keller, Erdemir Wear 302 (2013)

19 Major Phases of Fe-C Mixture
Austenite/Iron FCC (Υ): Cubic Cementite (Fe3C): Orthorhombic Ferrite/Iron BCC (α): Cubic Martensite/Iron BCT: Tetragonal

20 Major Microstructures of Fe-C Mixture
Retained Austenite Martensite Pearlite: Fe3C+Fe(α), layered structure Bainite: Fe3C+Fe(α), needle shaped Fe(α) separated by elongated Fe3C Spherodite: Fe3C+Fe(α), spherical Fe3C particles inside Fe(α) matrix Pearlite Bainite

21 Fe-C Phase Diagram

22 Proposed structure of WEA
Image from Timken

23 Proposed structure of WEA
Zone 0: original material Zone 1: crack/shear band; strain rate /s induces SB Zone 2: processed material, nano ferrite, can be considered amorphous like metallic glasses Zone 3: relaxed processed material. Finer grains than Zone 0 Zone properties: Very high/low aspect. Allows atom transfer across. Damps energy. It is shear soft.

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