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Exam 1 Review. TERMS AND CONCEPTS Hobbes, Locke – social contract theory/Natural Rights Definition of “Government” Different Forms of Government Political.

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1 Exam 1 Review

2 TERMS AND CONCEPTS Hobbes, Locke – social contract theory/Natural Rights Definition of “Government” Different Forms of Government Political Culture Political Ideologies Political Preference Political Socialization Influences Conservatism, Neo-conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism Differences Between US Government and Local/State Government Popular Sovereignty Limited Government The Rule Of Law Individual Liberty Equality Equal Opportunity Regional differences of political culture in US Gentrification Suburbanization Federalism and its different eras

3 Confederation, Unitary System of Government, Enumerated powers, Reserved powers, Concurrent powers Implied Powers Relationship Between Federal Government and States: Supremacy Clause (Article 6) - McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)- Constitution trumps local law. (Opinion by: John Marshall) Federalist and Anti-Federalists Marbury v. Madison Constitution Charters History of State Constitutions Northwest Ordinance Missouri Compromise Machine Politics The Progressive Movement Tribal Constitutions Features of State Constitutions Different forms of local government.

4 ESSAYS – I will pick 2 for your test 1) Describe in as much detail as possible, two of the four eras of federalism covered in class. 2) What is the social contract theory? Who are the main philosophers in this theory? How does the US reflect this theory? 3) List the political socialization factors. Describe how political culture is formed from these factors. 4) What is the Northwest Ordinance? Why was it formed and what did its architects intend for it to do? What lasting effect did it have on the US?

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