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Reading 1 September 20, 2013.

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1 Reading 1 September 20, 2013

2 Homework Review What are the three strategies we use to figure out the meaning of a word? Signal words: or, this is, other words Punctuation : ( ) , -- Look at other sentences after the word

3 Word Parts Words have parts.
You have the main part of the word. This is called the ROOT. RUN You have the word part that comes at the beginning of the word. This is called the PREFIX. RERUN You have the word part the comes at the end of the word. This is called the SUFFIX. RUNNER

4 PREFIX Prefixes have meanings. You can figure out the meaning of the word by knowing what the prefix means. RE – do again I watched a rerun. Something that runs again.

5 SUFFIX Suffixes have meanings. You can figure out a meaning of a suffix by knowing its meaning. ER – a person or things that does a certain action RUNNER – a person that runs

6 PREFIXES RE – do again IN- not; negative IM – not; negative (b, m, p)
IL – not; negative (l) IR- not; negative (r) MIS – indicates an error or mistake; badly

7 RE Add RE to a verb and make it a noun. Review Rerun Rethink Rewrite

8 IN Add IN an adjective and make it a negative adjective. Incorrect
Insane Inaccurate Insignificant

9 IM Add IM an adjective and make it a negative adjective. Impossible
Imbalanced Imperfect Impersonal Immoral

10 IL Add IL an adjective and make it a negative adjective. Illegal
Illiterate Illegible

11 IR Add IR an adjective and make it a negative adjective. Irregular
Irresponsible Irrational

12 MIS Add MIS to a verb and make it a verb showing an error. Misspell
Mislead Misunderstand Misinform

13 SUFFIXES -LY – in the manner of; this word tells how
-ER – a person or thing that does a certain action -ING – name of an action

14 -LY Add LY to a adjective and make it an adverb Correctly Quickly

15 ER Add ER to a verb and make it a noun. Runner Explorer Teacher

16 -er superlative When we add –er to an adjective, we are comparing.
Pretty - prettier When we add –er to a verb, we are making it a person who. Swim – swimmer; work - worker

17 -ING Add ING to a verb and make a noun. Running Speaking Tiring

18 PRACTICE Complete page 5 in Keith Folse’s Reading Practices 1-20
Figure out the word from the meaning EXAMPLE __________________ a person who teaches TEACHER teach is the root. A person is shown by ER.

19 Practice pg 5 Person who teaches – teacher A rapid manner – rapidly
Write again - rewrite In a slow manner - slowly A person who sings a song - singer Use in an incorrect way - incorrectly When you speak (action) - speaking

20 . In a careful way - carefully
Not proper - improper The thing that sharpens pencils - sharpener Read again - reread In a correct manner - correctly Not literate - illiterate Place in the wrong place - misplace

21 When you run (action) - running
A person who plays a sport - player Not proper - improper Make again - remake Not active - inactive Inform with wrong information - misinform

22 Pg 8 Complete the sentence. Writer Rewrite/redo Impolite

23 Homework Study your word parts. (Practice pg 6, 7, 9 in Folse book)
Study the three strategies you learned: (Practice – Reading 3 in Williams) Signal words Punctuation Next sentence

24 Name Subject: Reading 1 Date: Sep 20, 2013 Test: 6:20pm Period: Friday

25 Practice Test 70 minutes Answer the questions.
This is a department test. Do your best. It’s see how you improve over the semester.

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