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Ancient Empires.

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1 Ancient Empires

2 Mesopotamia Empires (2.4)
Main Ideas: The Hittites and Egyptians were eventually overshadowed by the rise of the Assyrian and Persian Empires. The Persian Empire brought many years of peace to Southwest Asia, increasing trade and the general well being of its people.

3 Assyrian Empire The Assyrians were a Semitic-speaking people who exploited the use of iron weapons to establish an empire by 700 BC Within less than 100 years internal strife and resentment of Assyrian rule began to tear the Assyrian Empire apart. The empire fell to a coalition of Chaldeans and Medes and was divided between those two powers.

4 Key Points The Assyrian Empire was ruled by kings whose power was seen as absolute. Well organized empire. Created a well established postal service throughout the empire. The system was so effective that a governor anywhere in the empire could send a questions and receive an answer from the king within a week. Very militaristic…very organized, disciplined, and were good at conquering others. The Assyrians used terror in warfare Used iron weapons They had a force of infantrymen at the core of the military, joined by cavalrymen and horse-drawn war chariots that were used as platforms for shooting arrows.

5 Persian Empire The Persians were an Indo-European people who lived in what is today southwestern Iran. The Persians were organized by groups until one family managed to unify them. One of the family’s members, Cyrus, created a powerful Persian state that stretched from Asia Minor to western India.

6 Key Rulers Cyrus “the Great” Darius Ruled from 559 to 530 B.C.
He demonstrated much wisdom and compassion in the conquest and organization of his empire. Respected other civilizations Darius Expanded the Persian Empire into India He divided up the empire into 20 provinces and each province was ruled by a governor, or satrap. They collected taxes, provided justice and security, and recruited soldiers for the royal army.

7 Key Points Created a Royal Road that connected the empire.
By the time of Darius, the Persian kings, had created a standing army of professional soliders. This army was composed of people from all over the empire. At its core was a cavalry force of ten thousand and an elite infantry force of ten thousand. These groups were called the Immortals because of the huge numbers. The empire fell because of greed over the throne and wealth. Also weakened by the conquests of Alexander the Great.


9 India Empires (3.2) Main Ideas:
The Mauyran dynasty flourished under Asoka. Asoka was a kind ruler Trade prospered under him Used Buddhist ideals to guide his rule Empire will decline after his death The Kushan kingdom prospered. The Silk Road passed though the Kushan kingdom The Gupta Empire left a lasting legacy through literature, architecture, and science.

10 Key Religions Mentioned Thus Far
Judaism…first monotheistic religion Emerged in Southwest Asia Hinduism…came to India by the Aryans Caste System Karma, Dharma Reincarnation Yoga Polytheistic Vedas Buddhism…was developed in Northern India by Siddhartha Gautama. Four Noble Truths Eight-Fold Path Nirvana Philosophies Confucianism Legalism Daoism

11 Key Point!!!! The religions and philosophies within each region helped shape the regions culture, art, and politics.

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