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Résumés and Cover Letters

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1 Résumés and Cover Letters
Computer Applications James Tomlinson, Ph.D. (control + apostrophe – e) only works in word

2 Focus on the employer’s needs  
Focus your writing efforts Write specifically for the job you are applying for Make the résumé visually enticing Uniformity and consistency in the use of italics, capital letters, bullets, boldface, and underlining

3 There are absolutely no errors !!!!!!!
Writing is concise and to the point (2 pages) Shorter is usually better Use BOLD for your name at the top of the page, and a larger font Use BOLD for headings, and a larger font Number pages – with your name on each

4 Eliminate hyperlink for email
Have a professional sounding and Phone where you CAN BE REACHED !! (answering machine messages!!!!!) Spell out numbers under and including ten - use the numerical form for numbers over and including 11 Use good quality paper – business colors People will “googleU”

5 Parts of a Résumé Objective – show a direction to your search/life
Education Experience (professional) Awards/Honors Professional Associations/Memberships Civic/Community Involvement Personal Interests (?) References

6 Cover Letters Address professionally – to a person if possible
Three-paragraph Rule (page 16) 1. Why you are writing – specific position? Inquiry as to openings? something unique (who suggested you write) 2. Sell your self - what they need and you have it!!!! 3. Closing – what happens next – state your preparedness to interview – draw attention to your strongest point

7 Each Cover Letter specific – signed
Use same font as your résumé Personalize but professionalize Tell employer what you can do for them Refer to your résumé as an attachment Keep a copy of the letter Follow up!!!!!

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