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I. Fascism: Italian Style WWII. A. Benito Mussolini 1.Young Benito – Socialist Party Member – Journalist – Moved to escape military duty in 1902 – Came.

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Presentation on theme: "I. Fascism: Italian Style WWII. A. Benito Mussolini 1.Young Benito – Socialist Party Member – Journalist – Moved to escape military duty in 1902 – Came."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Fascism: Italian Style WWII

2 A. Benito Mussolini 1.Young Benito – Socialist Party Member – Journalist – Moved to escape military duty in 1902 – Came back to Italy in the 1909 – Is an anti-royalist

3 2.WWI – Socialist Party splits up over whether or not to join the war – Mussolini sides with those who want to join the war – They call themselves: Fasci d'azione rivoluzionaria internazionalista – Served in the Italian army from 1915-1917

4 B. Fascists Take Over in Italy 1.What is Fascism – A political theory that calls for a strong government ran by one person. – The state or government is more important than individuals 2.Fascist Party in Italy – Becomes a political party in 1919 – Mussolini gets into parliament in 1921

5 3.Fascisti Activities – Armed squads of war veterans terrorized: Communists Socialists Radicals – Acted as strike breakers

6 4.Mussolini and his Blackshirts March on Rome – Mussolini’s followers were called “blackshirts” because of the color of their uniforms – They marched on Rome in 1922 – demanded the government do something about the radicals – The King grants Mussolini dictatorial powers (lasted over two decades)


8 C. Fascist Italy 1.Police State – Mussolini used secret police to keep people under control – Blackshirts terrorized anyone who was against the Fascist government 2.Government by Propaganda – Fascists owned most newspapers – Journalist had to swear oaths to the Fascist party – Mussolini was called Il Duce and a legend about his greatness was spread – Dates were written: 13th of June of the 11th year of Mussolini's power

9 D. Mussolini and Hitler 1.Blue print for Nazis – Mussolini’s Fascist government would be copied by Hitler – Hitler would copy his political and economic set up


11 2.Axis Powers – Mussolini coined the phrase “Axis Powers” – Military Treaties were signed between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy – Mussolini called it a “Pact of Steel”

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