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Mussolini – Brief Biography page 38 Global Forces, The World This Century Son of a socialist blacksmith; violent and bullying child Early years wrote.

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Presentation on theme: "Mussolini – Brief Biography page 38 Global Forces, The World This Century Son of a socialist blacksmith; violent and bullying child Early years wrote."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mussolini – Brief Biography page 38 Global Forces, The World This Century Son of a socialist blacksmith; violent and bullying child Early years wrote for various socialist or conservative papers depending on what he had most to gain or the mood of the times Rebellious egotist; ambitious, unscrupulous Served in the army; became a nationalist

3 Said WW1 was Italy’s ‘baptism as a great power’ Eloquent spokesperson who hated Italy’s parliamentary politicians & its democratic government Formed the Fascist party and organized the Black Shirts (military group) 1945 executed by Italian Resistance as he was escaping to Switzerland

4 From

5 Totalitarian Government 1.One leader, absolute power 2.One ideology 3.Use of secret police 4.Use of terror to control 5.No respect for human rights 6.No dissent allowed 7.Use of censorship & propaganda 8.Perversion of education 9.Use of purges to ‘cleanse’ the party & population

6 How did Mussolini Gain Power? Anger over Paris peace treaties Economic depression Class division & labour strife Unstable governments

7 Between 1919 & 1922, Italy had 5 different coalition governments, none of which were able to make firm decisions Mussolini made his move and in 1919 set up the Fascist party promising to control factory workers with discipline & order. He promised to stabilize the economy & unemployment & to restore Italy’s national prestige He crushed the workers with the ‘Combat Squads’ (Blackshirts) and was rewarded with $ from big business

8 Black Shirts

9 Blackshirts & the March on Rome Blackshirts were Mussolini’s terrorist gang of 50,000 or more thugs The King was worried about a civil war and refused to let Rome’s regular army to go against the Blackshirts King Victor Emmanuel asked Mussolini to become Italy’s new Prime Minister on 29 October 1922


11 OVRA Secret police set up to harass political opponents Newspapers were shut down or destroyed or told what to write by Mussolini


13 Acerbo Act 1923 Law that allowed the party with the most votes (provided it was more than 25%) to take 66% of the seats in Parliament Mussolini’s idea to take control but in the end he got enough votes and didn’t have to use the Acerbo Act


15 Matteotti Murder Matteotti was the Socialist leader and Mussolini’s greatest opponent Was kidnapped and murdered in June, 1924


17 There was an outburst of outrage against the murder Mussolini wavered on what to do 31 Dec 1924, 50 Blackshirts burst into Mussolini’s office and told him to act He was told to set up a dictatorship or they would remove him from power 3 January 1925 told parliament that if Fascism was an association of thugs, he was its head The Fascist state was created

18 Mussolini: “I Sometimes wish my ‘All Blacks’ were only Footballers!” Demarco, 72

19 Corporate State Each industry was run by a corporation Each corporation was made up of both owners and workers In theory, they were to work cooperatively to make the industry run efficiently Delegates would meet at the General Assembly of Corporations to make decisions about the country’s economic policies. Mussolini wanted to eliminate classes and turn each citizen into a willing servant of the state.

20 Real aim was that the rights of the workers would be taken away so they would not join trade unions (fear of communism) 22 corporations were formed in 1934 The REAL power was in the hands of bosses and Fascists

21 Ultimately, Mussolini was the one who made the final decisions on economic policies for Italy.

22 Lateran Treaty 1929 ratified.jpg&imgrefurl=http://rationa

23 1870 Italian forces seized Rome (from the Catholic Church) and made it the capital of Italy; Pope forbade Catholics to take part in politics 1929 Pope agreed to recognize the (Fascist) Kingdom of Italy and give up his claim to lost territory Mussolini compensated the church by making Catholicism the state religion of Italy Vatican City became an independent state



26 Timeline – Mussolini’s path to dictatorship 1919 Mussolini forms Fascist Party 1922 March on Rome Mussolini- Leader of Italy 1923 Acerbo Act

27 1924 Murder of Matteotti 1925 Freedom of Press Removed 1926 All Opposition Parties Outlawed

28 1927 OVRA established 1928 Friendship Pact with Ethiopia – but Italy is preparing for war 1929 Lateran Agreement

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