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Authentic Learning Region X. What is it and why teach it? 21st Century Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Authentic Learning Region X. What is it and why teach it? 21st Century Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authentic Learning Region X

2 What is it and why teach it? 21st Century Learning

3 What is true Authentic Learning? There are 9 Key elements: Provide authentic contexts that reflect the way the knowledge will be used in real life. Provide authentic tasks and activities Provide access to expert performances and the modeling of processes Provide multiple roles and perspectives Support collaborative construction of knowledge Promote reflection to enable abstractions to be formed Promote articulation to enable tacit knowledge to be made explicit Provide coaching and scaffolding by the teacher at critical times Provide for authentic assessment of learning within the tasks

4 Authentic Continuum

5 Lesson Template

6 What I did...





11 Examples of high, medium, and low

12 What can you do? Shorter examples. Needs to have: Something someone would do for a job in the real world. Collaboration No “wrong” answer Expert opinions (can use devices to get opinions)

13 Car Dealer... You sell cars for a living. I am buying a car from you. The car will cost you $17,500 to make. Step 1: You want to determine the profit you want to make off of the car to determine the price of my car. Write down your profit. Step 2: What is your price of your car after you add your profit. Step 3: You will then need to figure out your commission from your profit. Your commission will be 40% of your profit. I will determine which group I would go with as a car dealer. (For example, you want to make $100 off of your car. So your price would be $17,600 and your commission would be based off of your $100 profit. So you need to figure out 40% of $100 to determine your commission.)

14 Bridge Awesome Company (BAC) c Cozartville Mall Bridge school You are an architect and I, the Mayor of Cozartville has hired you to sell me a bridge. Cozartville is 5 miles from the river (c). The school is 12.5 miles down the river from Cozartsville’s road meets the river (b). The school will be 25 miles from the bridge site. The mall is at the end of the bridge and across the river. How many miles is the bridge? It will cost you $2,500 per mile to build the bridge. How much money will it cost you to build it? You and your table must decide how much money you want to make on the bridge (not to low, not to high) and determine how much you will charge Cozartville. We will pick the “best” presentation and go with that company.

15 Why to try...

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