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Dialogue between: Patriots and Loyalists “Should we stay or should we go?”

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Presentation on theme: "Dialogue between: Patriots and Loyalists “Should we stay or should we go?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialogue between: Patriots and Loyalists “Should we stay or should we go?”

2 I can’t understand why you want the colonies to break away from the British Empire. It’s just not a smart idea. Not a smart idea? I’ll tell you why it’s not a smart idea. Ungratefu l Patriot! Stupid Lobsterback !

3 Okay, but you need to hear my side of it, too. You are British. Your parents are British and their parents are British. Everything you have is because you are a part of the greatest country on Earth, England! England has There comes a time in every child’s life when they must strike out on their own and be independent. Every parent should want their child to grow up and be independent.

4 Reason #2

5 Reason #3

6 Conclusion

7 hello


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