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Jacksonian Democracy Chapter 12. Lewis & Clark When did Lewis & Clark explore Louisiana the LA Territory? What did the explorations prove? Americans began.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacksonian Democracy Chapter 12. Lewis & Clark When did Lewis & Clark explore Louisiana the LA Territory? What did the explorations prove? Americans began."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacksonian Democracy Chapter 12

2 Lewis & Clark When did Lewis & Clark explore Louisiana the LA Territory? What did the explorations prove? Americans began to settle the southern portions

3 The argument over Missouri 1819-MO petitions for statehood - 1 st state carved from LA purchase - slave state Northerners objected - representation - only consider admitting if free state

4 Missouri Compromise, 1819 Mass offered northern counties as new state of Maine - satisfied representation fears agreed to outlaw slavery above MO

5 Compromise reaffirmed: South’s commitment to slavery North’s resentment of Southern power

6 Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Monroe Doctrine established (1823) - US was opposed to European colonization in the Americas - John Q. Adams

7 Election of 1824 Crowed field of presidential contenders - Jackson, Adams, Clay etc. Andrew Jackson’s appeal Jackson wins pop & electoral votes - election went to House of Rep Clay (House Speaker) promised Adam’s presidency in return for favor Adams elected Jackson supporters cry “Corrupt Bargain”


9 Election of 1828 Adam’s miserable presidency Jackson supporters form democratic party - democracy, states rights & limited gov’t Adam’s campaign centered on Jackson’s character & wife Smear Campaign Jackson overwhelmingly elected (p 318) - vague inaugural address

10 Indian issues 60k Indians still resided in the SW - protected by federal treaties many states resented policy GA, Al, & MS defied federal policy - began to regulate Indian affairs Jackson sided with the states - believed federal gov’t lacked the power to recognize sovereignty within a state

11 Indian removal act of 1830 Jackson- send Indians to federal land west of MS Worcester v. GA (1823)- Court declared state’s extension of power over Indian land unconstitutional Jackson refused to enforce decision - allowed states to remove Indians

12 King Andrew Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it!

13 Trail of Tears 1838- remaining 18k Cherokees sent to Oklahoma 4k died of disease & starvation (p 320) removal unconstitutional > violated supreme court decision > strengthened Jackson’s commitment to state sovereignty

14 Age of Jackson created spoils system  “to the victor belong the spoils”

15 Martin Van Buren Whig party (1830s) Van Buren elected (1837) Panic of 1837 - many businesses close doors & unemployment rises What do the Whigs shout?

16 Election of 1840 Van Buren gets blame William Harrison elected “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” (p 331)


18 Second party system established balanced budget (1833) Whigs & Democrats (1830-60) Both candidates received nearly equal levels of support in slave & free states Parties could take no state for granted

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