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Genre Notes Mrs.Fisher. Genre- a French word meaning type.

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Presentation on theme: "Genre Notes Mrs.Fisher. Genre- a French word meaning type."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genre Notes Mrs.Fisher

2 Genre- a French word meaning type

3 4 Types of Genre Drama- a story written in the form of a play Poetry-poems written in stanzas and lines Nonfiction-tells about real characters and events Fiction-stories with imaginary events and characters

4 Nonfiction Biography-the writer’s story of another’s life Autobiography-the writer’s story of his/her own life Articles and Essays- passages based on facts Textbooks and Reference books Letters Manuals Recipes

5 There are many different subgenres of Fiction

6 Science Fiction Stories about future life, other planets, aliens, technology, robots, time travel, and scientific ideas Examples: A Wrinkle In Time, The Giver, Aliens on Vacation, The House of the Scorpion

7 Mysteries Stories about solving crimes Examples: Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys and The Weirdo

8 Historical Fiction Tells a story that is set in the past. That setting is usually real and drawn from history, and often contains actual historical persons, but the main characters tend to be fictional. Examples: Number the Stars, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Bud Not Buddy

9 Realistic Fiction Stories about things that could actually happen today Examples: The Bluford Series, Sarah Dessen novels, Speak, Harmless

10 More Realistic Fiction Novels

11 Fantasy Stories that have characters that do not exist and or have supernatural powers and magic Examples: Percy Jackson Series, Twilight Series, Vladimir Tod series, Harry Potter, Charlie Bone series

12 Sports Fiction Stories about people with problems related to or centered on a sport they like to play Examples: For the Love of the Game, The Rookie, Mike Lupica novels

13 Animal Fiction Stories with an animal as the main character where the action revolves around what the animal does or need Examples: Charlottes Web, Stuart Little etc.

14 Adventure The main character is hero-like and uses ingenuity to get himself/herself and others out of dangerous situations. There is often a lot of physical action Examples: Hatchet and Treasure Island

15 Folktales-stories passed down from generation to generation orally by word of mouth

16 Subgenres of Folktales Legend- stories that describes the adventures of great heroes (with no supernatural powers) ex. John Henry and Davey Crockett Tall Tales-greatly exaggerated story ex. “Pecos Bill Rides a Tornado” Fable- stories that have a moral or lesson to be learned. The characters are usually animals. Ex. Aesop Fables

17 Folktale Subgenre continued Fairy Tales- a fanciful tale of legendary heroes and creatures usually intended for children. These stories often involve princes and princesses, fairies, elves, gnomes, kings, queens, magic and enchantment, and modern versions usually have a happy ending. Ex. Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and Snow White

18 Folktale subgenre continued… Myths-Stories that are based on gods and goddesses of different cultures and usually explains how the world or humankind came to be in its present form Examples: Zeus, Aphrodite, Cupid etc

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