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Ideal centre Accomodation Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Hungary.

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1 Ideal centre Accomodation Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Hungary

2 a., What is in your opinion the most suitable size? We have choosen the decentralized form. The population maximum 500 in total in every region We are renting flats with 1, 2 or 3 rooms, depending on the necessery of the habitants.

3 b., What is the perfect location geografically seen? The regions are around the headquarters in 60 km circle. The regions can be increased or decreased according tothe needs

4 C-d.) Is there a need to take into account special needs for asylum seekers? The habitants have to do the housekeeping work They must to turn to the local organizations (municipality, school, leisure, health care) They get support from the mobile accomodation team who visits them regulary

5 e.) And for wich specific groups? The regular group and for the vulnerable group (it is depending on their special needs or safety) To provide special assistance in the house is possible, even 24 hours counselling For example for single women, one-parent families, PTDS sindrome, etc..

6 f-g.) Is it necessery to take into account a certain level of privacy of asylum seekers? Yes It shows respect Better privacy More healthy But families need more privacy, younger people usually needs less In special cases we provide separated rooms even for young people (with menthal and with behavior problems only with social and medical advice)

7 h-i-j.) Which facilities should be available at the centre? We have a headquarter instead of centre We have management/ administration in charge of organization the contracts etc… Mobile accomodation team have there offices There is a big hall (50 m2) used for gathering for the new people who get also information and orientation program (about the procedure about the return, about social care, health care, society….) There are offices (10) and 3 conversation rooms Each of them are 15 m2 big Each room has alarm, telephone and internet access, computer, they minimal furnished and painted with pastel colors

8 H-i-j.)And wich facilities should be available outside the centre? We provide only the minimum assistance at the headquarter

9 k.) How should your perfect centre be secured? The houses are only standard houses, we provide informations about the safety and about the safe using of the tools We provide fire alarm and information about safety.

10 l.) Do you think it is neccesery to take into account etnicity, religion etc? As much as it is possible

11 m-n.) Wich other organization should be present at your perfect centre? INVITATION FOR THE OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION: NGO-s Volunteers The representatives of local authorities Immigration Office, Police

12 o.) How can you create flexibility in the sence of different needs of capacity? We rent more flats, contracts with flexible companies We put more people to the rooms themporarily If it is neccesery we are renting campings, cheap hotels or compounds themporarily

13 p.) what does a sustainable concept mean to you? Affordable in long term Permanent and stable staff and managment Flexibility, adaptation It can be implemented in many countries considered the possibilities of the countries

14 q.) We entitled for the support and accomodation even if they leave themporarily, but they are still in the procedure Punishment system- in the case of misbehaviour and if they damage anything in the worst situation the could be sent to a centralized facility and they have to follow a social behavior prg. If it does not work, they have to stay longer in these facilities. UMA-s are always placed with families or in special houses with special staff. For other vulnerable groups we have houses in all the regions with special councelling.

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