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NMC mentor and practice teacher mapping process Guidance for mentors and practice teachers.

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1 NMC mentor and practice teacher mapping process Guidance for mentors and practice teachers

2 NMC standards DHSSPS requested that NIPEC project manage the implementation of the new NMC standards in Northern Ireland. One of the pieces of work carried out was to assist Trust service providers develop a system to enable current mentors and practice teachers be mapped against NMC requirements

3 Trust Responsibilities Trusts have a responsibility to ensure there are enough mentors and practice teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to support, supervise and assess students starting NMC approved programmes from September 2007 onwards. Trusts have a responsibility to ensure there are enough mentors and practice teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to support, supervise and assess students starting NMC approved programmes from September 2007 onwards.

4 NMC Underpinning Principles Mentors and practice teachers must; Abe on the same part or sub-part of NMC register as the students they are supervising and assessing B have developed their own competence Chold appropriate professional qualifications Dhave been prepared for their role and met NMC outcomes

5 New NMC competency domains Working relationshipsWorking relationships Facilitation of learningFacilitation of learning Assessment and AccountabilityAssessment and Accountability Evaluation of learningEvaluation of learning Environment for learningEnvironment for learning Context of practiceContext of practice Evidence-based- practiceEvidence-based- practice LeadershipLeadership

6 Mentors and Practice Teachers The NMC does not expect mentors and practice teachers who have already undertaken an approved preparation programme to repeat it The NMC does require registrants already holding a mentor or practice teacher qualification to map their current qualifications and experience against the new NMC standards and any outstanding outcomes should be met by continuing professional development (CPD)

7 Mapping competence of mentors and practice teachers Existing mentors and practice teachers are required to map their competence against the new NMC standards/competency domains using the Mapping ToolsExisting mentors and practice teachers are required to map their competence against the new NMC standards/competency domains using the Mapping Tools Mapping tool forms and accompanying guidance for mentors and practice teachers can be obtained from managers/professional leads or the NIPEC website www.nipec.n- i.nhs.ukMapping tool forms and accompanying guidance for mentors and practice teachers can be obtained from managers/professional leads or the NIPEC website www.nipec.n- i.nhs.ukwww.nipec.n- i.nhs.ukwww.nipec.n-

8 Mapping competence of mentors and practice teachers The mentor/practice teacher will complete the appropriate mapping tool, identifying some examples of experiences in relation to each domain to inform the discussion with their line manager/professional lead.The mentor/practice teacher will complete the appropriate mapping tool, identifying some examples of experiences in relation to each domain to inform the discussion with their line manager/professional lead. When mapping is complete the mentor/practice teacher arranges to meet with their line manager/professional lead to discuss the extent to which they meet the NMC Standards.When mapping is complete the mentor/practice teacher arranges to meet with their line manager/professional lead to discuss the extent to which they meet the NMC Standards. Where a recommendation can be made by the manager/professional lead, the details will be put on the local register (or an action plan to meet the competency will be agreed)Where a recommendation can be made by the manager/professional lead, the details will be put on the local register (or an action plan to meet the competency will be agreed)

9 Sign off mentor Some mentors will also be required to act as sign-off mentors (all midwife mentors are required by NMC to meet sign-off mentor requirements)Some mentors will also be required to act as sign-off mentors (all midwife mentors are required by NMC to meet sign-off mentor requirements) The sign-off mentor section of the mapping tool will be completed and a recommendation made by the managerThe sign-off mentor section of the mapping tool will be completed and a recommendation made by the manager Where a recommendation can not be given the mentor will be supervised on three occasions by a sign-off mentor before they can have their name annotated on the local registerWhere a recommendation can not be given the mentor will be supervised on three occasions by a sign-off mentor before they can have their name annotated on the local register

10 Rolling out the mapping process in the Trust (1) Local mapping of staff will be taken forward locally by the Trust Education Lead (or other Senior Nurse) Staff awareness about the standards will be addressed by the Trusts depending on local need Placement areas used for students commencing September 2007 up until March 2008 will be prioritised for mapping first

11 Rolling out the mapping process in the Trust (2) Each Trust should develop an action plan to process the mapping of the remaining mentors and practice teachers within the Trust Trusts should provide additional support for staff who have difficulties with the mapping process or who do not initially meet the mapping criteria

12 Rolling out the mapping process in the Trust (3) On completion of mapping, line managers/professional lead will forward a copy of the biographical data sheet and signed recommendation within Trust’s agreed protocols The mentors / practice teacher details will be entered on to the local register Once mapped, each registrant is responsible for keeping the original mapping tool if required by the Trust. They may also consider including this in their professional portfolio.

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