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2014 AWA Experiments managed by Jing --- updated on 2/25/2014 Experiment 1: 11.7GHz metallic DL Experiment 2: 91GHz metallic Experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 AWA Experiments managed by Jing --- updated on 2/25/2014 Experiment 1: 11.7GHz metallic DL Experiment 2: 91GHz metallic Experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 AWA Experiments managed by Jing --- updated on 2/25/2014 Experiment 1: 11.7GHz metallic PE @19MeV DL Experiment 2: 91GHz metallic PE @DL Experiment 3: 12GHz DPETS @WL Experiment 4: Pin cathode BD Study @BDstand Experiment 5: 26GHz DPETS/TBA @DL

2 Experiment 1: 11.7GHz metallic PE @19MeV DL Task*DescriptionResponsibleDueNote 1KL1/2 readinessLiu4/30 2LLRF readinessJing4/30Linac phase measurement 3Structure readinessJing3/10 Re-cleaning and assembling 4Installation readinessScott4/15 HW for installation 5Safety readinessManoel3/30 Approval for 19MeV DL 6Vacuum readinessEric4/30 7Beamline readinessLiu4/30 PS, magnets, actuators, remote control 8Diagnostics readinessJohn4/30 Cameras, cables, scope 9Laser readinessJohn4/30 16/32 bunch train 10High chargeEric4/15 New cathode fabrication and installation 11simulationJohn3/15 19MeV to DUT Proposed starting date of experiment: 5/1 * This is a high level task assignment. Responsible person manages their own task to meet the deadline. Jing works on each responsible person to regularly get updates.

3 Experiment 2: 91GHz metallic PE @DL Task*DescriptionResponsibleDueNote 1KL1/2/3/4 readinessLiu8/30 2LLRF readinessJing8/30feedback 3Structure readinessJing7/30 Bench test, cleaning, assembling 4Installation readinessScott8/15 HW for alignment and installation 5Safety readinessManoel5/30 Approval for 75MeV DL 6Vacuum readinessEric8/30 7Beamline readinessLiu8/30 PS, magnets, actuators, remote control 8RF Diagnostics readiness Jing8/30 Power, freq. measurement 9Laser readinessJohn8/30 16/32 bunch train 10simulationJohn4/30 75MeV to DUT 11 Proposed starting date of experiment: 9/1 * This is a high level task assignment. Responsible person manages their own task, working with secondaries, if needed, to meet the deadline. Jing works on each responsible person to regularly get updates.

4 Experiment 3: 12GHz DPETS @WL Task*DescriptionResponsibleDueNote 1KL1 readinessLiu3/30 2LLRF readinessJing3/30 3Structure readinessJing3/1 4Installation readinessEric3/20 5Vacuum readinessEric3/30 6RF Diagnostics readiness Jing3/30 RF load cleaning and assembling, scope 7Laser readinessJohn3/30 Single bunch to WL 8 9 10 11 Proposed starting date of experiment: 4/1 * This is a high level task assignment. Responsible person manages their own task, working with secondaries, if needed, to meet the deadline. Jing works on each responsible person to regularly get updates.

5 Experiment 4: Pin cathode BD Study @BD stand Task*DescriptionResponsibleDueNote 1KL4 readinessLiu2/25 2LLRF readinessJing2/25 3Vacuum readinessEric2/25 Turn off baking. 4Diagnostics readinessJohn2/25 Cameral, cable, scope 5WaveguideScott2/25Waveguide redirection 6 7 8 9 10 11 Proposed starting date of experiment: 2/26 * This is a high level task assignment. Responsible person manages their own task, working with secondaries, if needed, to meet the deadline. Jing works on each responsible person to regularly get updates.

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