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Preparing for the 2015 General Election. 18 months to go… Source: Daily Mail.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the 2015 General Election. 18 months to go… Source: Daily Mail."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the 2015 General Election

2 18 months to go… Source: Daily Mail

3 Four graphs that matter… Source: ONS/BBC Source: UK Polling Report Voting intentions since 2010

4 Four graphs that matter… Source: NatCen/Guardian Forecasted change in central and local government revenue spending 2010/11 to 2017/18 (£, billions) Source: Office for Budget Responsibility (2013) Economic and Fiscal Outlook March 2013 - Fiscal Supplementary Tables, Table 2.29

5 Project 2015: What do voluntary organisations want to say?


7 5 minutes: What is your top priority for 2015?

8 Project 2015 Economic and Social Justice Welfare, the economy and jobs, demographic change Volunteering and Social Action Volunteering, campaigning, corporate engagement Public Services Commissioning, how govt works, early intervention Support for Voluntary Organisations Giving, funding, charity regulation


10 How you can get involved Let NCVO & Involve YH know your priorities Send us a short case study about how you’re making a difference. Send your local partners the publications. Send your Parliamentary candidates the publications Invite your Parliamentary candidates to an event with the local voluntary sector Talk to your Parliamentary candidates

11 Thank you! Please get in touch k 0207 520 2475 @CharRavenscroft & see NCVO blogs for latest news

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