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New England Association of Schools and Colleges The Accreditation Process A Report Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "New England Association of Schools and Colleges The Accreditation Process A Report Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 New England Association of Schools and Colleges The Accreditation Process A Report Guide

2 What Are Our Responsibilities As An Accredited School ? Continue to meet and exceed NEASC Standards Use the standards to devise and measure school improvement Use the self study and team report as strategic planning documents Review and update the Mission and Expectations to ensure it reflects the purpose of the school Monitor and be involved in the activities of the Commission and Association File appropriate reports!

3 Where Did All These Recommendations Come From Anyway? As a member of the NEASC, the school commits itself to meeting those standards and has a five year window to address them completely The self-study identified those needs which the school determined to be barriers to meeting standards fully The visiting team translated those self identified needs into recommendations

4 So Those recommendations all came from you and your school !!!!! Oh, I didn’t think of that

5 How Does The NEASC Know What We Are Doing About It? Reports provide the Commission information needed to make decisions about the school’s membership status. There are different reports: –Annual School Update –Special Progress Reports –Substantive Change Reports –Two-Year Progress Reports –Five-Year Progress Reports –Focused Visit Report

6 Who Is Responsible For The Reports? Who participated in and completed the self study? Who determined what the needs were? Who coordinated the effort? And.................. under whose leadership?

7 Expectations and Rubrics for the Two and Five Year Reports Completed – The recommendation has been implemented fully in accordance with the visiting committee’s original intention. Please explain and include evidence where appropriate. In Progress – Steps have been taken to implement the recommendation or the recommendation is partially completed with more work yet to come. Please explain what has been done. (The nature of the recommendation may require its being continually “in progress.”)

8 Rubrics for the Two and Five Year Reports Planned – Work on the recommendation has not gone further than the planning stages, but it is expected that it will be addressed in the very near future. If appropriate, please include some of the plan, the prognosis, the timetable and the anticipated outcomes. No Action – The recommendation is valid but has not yet been addressed.

9 Rubrics for the Two and Five Year Reports Rejected – The spirit of the original recommendation is no longer valid, acceptable or appropriate. The use of this “status” must not be used without detailed justification. In addition, if a recommendation is rejected, the school must explain what alternatives have been implemented to ensure that the spirit of the recommendations have been addressed.

10 Tips for the Task At Hand Develop an action plan Divide up the work Make the changes Tell your story Faculty sign-off Do not treat it as one more thing you have to do, but as a check-up for the whole school school resources curriculum leadership instruction assessment mission community resources

11 Barriers To Success I wasn’t here when this was done!! What do we do with new staff? This is out of my control There is no money This recommendation makes no sense This is no longer applicable

12 So, Now What Do We Do? Re-establish a steering committee to review the visiting committee report and prioritize the visiting committee recommendations Develop a five year action plan and timeline Develop strategies, adopt them, adapt them, and assess the results Keep track of everything electronically Get the reports ready

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