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1 Thinking Critically with Psychology. 2 Research methods 4 Survey 4 Case study –E.g. Stroke victim 4 Experimentation 4 Naturalistic Observation –Observing.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Thinking Critically with Psychology. 2 Research methods 4 Survey 4 Case study –E.g. Stroke victim 4 Experimentation 4 Naturalistic Observation –Observing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Thinking Critically with Psychology

2 2 Research methods 4 Survey 4 Case study –E.g. Stroke victim 4 Experimentation 4 Naturalistic Observation –Observing behavior in a singles bar

3 3 Comparing research methods

4 4 How do you get people to study? 4 Population –All NSCC students 4 Representative Sample 4 Random sample –Ensures a representative sample 4 Random assignment

5 5 Generalizing (Problems) 4 Generalizing from unrepresentative samples 4 Generalizing from select cases –Most remedial reading students in Mrs. Brown’s class are boys –Therefore, boys have more trouble reading than girls

6 6 Random sampling

7 7 What do you study? - Variables 4 Variables 4 Independent variable 4 Dependent variable

8 8 How are variables related? - Correlation 4 Positive and negative

9 9 Positive correlation 4 Mortality rates increase as people age 4 Grades increase as study time increase

10 10 Negative correlation 4 As income increases free time decreases 4 As one goes up, the other goes down

11 11 No Correlation

12 12 Confusing correlation with causation 4 “Correlation is not causation” 4 Large brains (or ice cream) & violence

13 13 Illusory correlation 4 Buying stocks that performed well last year 4 Adoption and conception

14 14 Hindsight bias 4 Explaining events in hindsight –Lee Harvey Oswald & Pres. Kennedy

15 15 Perceiving order in random events 4 Both have an equal chance of happening

16 16 Perceiving order in random events (Cont.) 4 Twins separated at birth having similar interests, jobs, etc. 4 Similarities between Lincoln and Kennedy.

17 17 The experiment 4 Control Condition 4 Placebo effect –Placebo = Pill with no drug 4 The double blind procedure –Neither experimenter nor subject knows which pill is the drug or placebo.

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