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 Experimentation. Bell ringer  Do you think listening to music while you read interferes with reading comprehension? Explain.

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Presentation on theme: " Experimentation. Bell ringer  Do you think listening to music while you read interferes with reading comprehension? Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1  Experimentation

2 Bell ringer  Do you think listening to music while you read interferes with reading comprehension? Explain

3  Lets see how we would conduct an experiment on whether listening to music interferes with reading comprehension. Identify the variables and conditions

4 Experiment  A scientific method in which researchers manipulate, or change, a variable to observe the effect on some other variable  Proves cause and effect relationship

5 Independent Variable  The variable that is manipulated or changed.  The variable whose effect is being studied.  The Cause  What is the independent variable in our experiment?

6  Music

7 Dependent Variable  The experimental factor that is being measured. The constant  Variable may change in response to manipulations on the independent variable  The Effect  What is the dependent variable?

8  Reading Comprehension

9 Confounding variable  Confounding variables (aka third variables) are variables that the researcher failed to control, or eliminate, damaging the validity of the experiment  What is a possible confounding variable?

10  Volume of music  Level of reading

11 Experimental Condition (group)  The condition (group) of an experiment that exposes participants to the independent variable  What is the experimental condition?

12  Listening to music while reading

13 Control Condition (group)  Contrasts with the experimental condition and serves as a comparison for evaluating the effect of the treatment  The constant or controlled condition  What is the control condition?

14  Reading without music

15 Random Assignment  Assigning participants to experimental and control conditions by chance

16 Placebo  Used in experiments with substances (active agents) such as drugs  Pseudotreatment that is administered instead of the active agent to see if it triggers the same results  Blind experiment: Participants don’t know if they receive the placebo  Think of an example of a placebo

17 Placebo effect  Effect on behavior caused by a placebo  Thinking you are receiving treatment or a drug will cause people to act a certain way

18 Double-Blind Procedure  Both the research participants and and the research staff do not know which group has received the placebo  Eliminates bias and enthusiasm

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