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It gives reliable and systematic ways to answer psychological questions like: How do I analyze dreams? Why are boys so weird? Other sources of info like.

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Presentation on theme: "It gives reliable and systematic ways to answer psychological questions like: How do I analyze dreams? Why are boys so weird? Other sources of info like."— Presentation transcript:


2 It gives reliable and systematic ways to answer psychological questions like: How do I analyze dreams? Why are boys so weird? Other sources of info like the media can be biased WHY IS RESEARCH IMPORTANT?

3 Types of Research: -Observation -Case Studies -Correlational Study -Survey -Longitudinal Study -Cross Sectional Study -Experiments (MOST powerful research technique) WHAT IS RESEARCH?

4 Just look at what people do! Problem: Sometimes you can’t see the whole picture. OBSERVATION

5 Studies single individuals in depth Problem: doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone. CASE STUDIES

6 2 variables increase or decrease together. Problem: Correlation DOESN’T = Causation! CORRELATIONAL STUDY


8 Follows same group of people over a long period of time. Problems: Takes a long time, expensive and difficult to conduct. LONGITUDINAL STUDY

9 Compares people of different ages at the same time. CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY

10 Most powerful research method. Researchers control certain variables to observe the effects of other variables. They must isolate one variable to be sure that it is the cause of an event. EXPERIMENTS

11 1.Develop A Hypothesis 2.Create and define the Independent Variable (IV) and the Dependent Variable (DV) 3.Randomly select participants 4.Randomly assign control group. 5.Expose experimental group to IV (maybe use placebo on control group) 6.Control for confounding variables 7.Learn effect of IV by measuring DV for both groups 8.Use statistical analysis to determine whether differences in DV are a result of the IV HOW DOES AN EXPERIMENT WORK?

12 Watch out for confounding variables Double-Blind: subject and administrator don’t know what they are testing for Placebo Effect: Any pill will effect me! Replication: If I did the experiment again, would I get the same results? OTHER THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND

13 Human: informed consent; no harm or discomfort caused; confidentiality; debriefing AFTER experiment is over Animals: Don’t have to worry so much but you can’t hurt them RESEARCH ETHICS

14 As you watch Phil’s movie, answer the following questions to help you learn about how psychologists do research: 1.Why is sample size important to consider when conducting an experiment? 2.How many factors should be altered in a valid experiment? 3.What is the difference between correlation and causation? 4.In what circumstances could a polygraph test work? 5.List 7 things to look out for when evaluating the validity of an experiment. UNDERSTANDING RESEARCH

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