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Rae Burns Principal Member of Technical Staff Oracle Corporation Aris Prassinos Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Motorola.

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2 Rae Burns Principal Member of Technical Staff Oracle Corporation Aris Prassinos Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Motorola

3 Smart Upgrades: Upgrading from Oracle8i to Oracle Database 10g at Motorola

4 Topics  Upgrade Overview – Upgrade Process – New Oracle Database 10g Features  Motorola Experiences – Upgrade Approach – Lessons Learned  Summary and Questions

5 Upgrade Process  Determine the Upgrade Path  Determine the Upgrade Method  Develop a Test Plan – Test the Upgrade Process – Test the Upgraded Database  Plan a Backup Strategy

6 Upgrade Path  Direct Upgrade to Oracle Database 10g from 8.0.6, 8.1.7, 9.0.1, 9.2.0 (all patch releases)  “Double-hop” upgrade from other releases – 7.3.4 -> 9.2.0 -> 10.1.0 – 8.1.6 -> 8.1.7 -> 10.1.0  Upgrade to latest patch release (e.g., install before upgrading)

7 Upgrade Methods  Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) – Adjusts configuration automatically  Initialization parameters  Tablespace sizes  Creates files in new ORACLE_HOME – Interacts with DBA for decisions – Displays upgrade progress – Reports errors – Provides upgrade summary


9 Upgrade Methods  Manual Upgrade – Run Pre-Upgrade Information Utility  utlu101i.sql  Make some adjustments in existing environment, others in new environment – Run upgrade script (e.g., u0902000.sql) – Review upgrade results – Run utlrp.sql to recompile invalid objects

10 Upgrade Methods  Export/Import – Create new 10.1.0 database – Import specific schemas or all schemas – New physical organization  SQL statements – CREATE TABLE.. AS SELECT – INSERT.. SELECT

11 Upgrade Testing  Testing the upgrade – Use full or subset copy of database – Analyze invalid objects before/after – Test basic application functionality  Testing the upgraded database – Application functional tests – Performance tests – Stress tests

12 New Oracle Database 10g Features  Component Registry – Tracks version and status of all database components (e.g., JAVAVM, interMedia, etc.) – Automates conditional component upgrades  Open UPGRADE – Prepares DB instance for upgrade  RESTRICTED SESSION  Disables system triggers  Enables error suppression for “normal” errors  DB operations aware of upgrade

13 SQL> describe dba_registry; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------- COMP_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) COMP_NAME VARCHAR2(255) VERSION VARCHAR2(30) NAMESPACE VARCHAR2(30) STATUS VARCHAR2(11) MODIFIED VARCHAR2(20) CONTROL NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) SCHEMA NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) PROCEDURE VARCHAR2(61) STARTUP VARCHAR2(8) PARENT_ID VARCHAR2(30) SQL> select comp_id, comp_name, status, version SQL> from dba_registry; COMP_ID COMP_NAME STATUS VERSION ---------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ---------- CATPROC Oracle Database Packages and Types VALID CATALOG Oracle Database Catalog Views VALID JAVAVM JServer JAVA Virtual Machine VALID XML Oracle XDK VALID CATJAVA Oracle Database Java Packages VALID CONTEXT Oracle Text VALID XDB Oracle XML Database VALID APS OLAP Analytic Workspace VALID AMD OLAP Catalog VALID ORDIM Oracle interMedia VALID SDO Spatial VALID WK Oracle Ultra Search VALID 12 rows selected.

14  Pre-Upgrade Information Utility – rdbms/admin/utlu101i.sql – Use on existing database – Analyzes  Tablespace sizes  Initialization parameters  Database components  Warning conditions – DBUA uses XML version of output for automatic configuration New Oracle Database 10g Features

15 Oracle Database 10.1 Upgrade Information Tool 09-28-2004 18:00:02. ************************************************************************* Database: --------- --> name: PROD --> version: --> compatibility: 8.1.7 WARNING: Database compatibility must be set to 9.2.0 prior to upgrade.. ************************************************************************* Logfiles: [make adjustments in the current environment] ---------------------------------------------------- -- The existing log files are adequate. No changes are required.. ************************************************************************* Tablespaces: [make adjustments in the current environment] ---------------------------------------------------------- --> SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade..... owner: SYS.... minimum required size: 377 MB --> DRSYS tablespace is adequate for the upgrade..... owner: CTXSYS.... minimum required size: 5 MB --> TOOLS tablespace is adequate for the upgrade..... owner: SYSTEM.... minimum required size: 6 MB.

16 ************************************************************************* Options: [present in existing database] --------------------------------------- --> Partitioning WARNING: Listed option(s) must be installed with Oracle Database 10.1 ************************************************************************* Update Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.1 init.ora or spfile] ------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: --> "shared_pool_size" needs to be increased to at least "150944944" WARNING: --> "pga_aggregate_target" is not currently defined and needs a value of at least "25165824" --> "large_pool_size" is already at "41943040" calculated new value is "41943040" WARNING: --> "java_pool_size" needs to be increased to at least "50331648". ************************************************************************* Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.1 init.ora or spfile] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: --> "mts_dispatchers" newName="dispatchers". ************************************************************************* Obsolete Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.1 init.ora or spfile] --------------------------------------------------------------------- --> "distributed_transactions" --> "mts_dispatchers" --> "job_queue_interval" --> "max_enabled_roles" --> "log_archive_start"

17 ** Components: [The following database components will be upgraded or installed] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Oracle Catalog Views [upgrade] --> Oracle Packages and Types [upgrade] --> JServer JAVA Virtual Machine [upgrade]...The 'JServer JAVA Virtual Machine' JAccelerator (NCOMP) required to be installed from the 10g Companion CD.... --> Oracle XDK for Java [upgrade] --> Oracle Java Packages [install] --> Oracle interMedia [upgrade]...The 'Oracle interMedia Image Accelerator' is...required to be installed from the 10g Companion CD.... --> Oracle Text [upgrade]. *************************************************************************. ************************************************************************* SYSAUX Tablespace: [Create tablespace in Oracle Database 10.1 environment] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> New "SYSAUX" tablespace.... minimum required size for database upgrade: 500 MB Please create the new SYSAUX Tablespace AFTER the Oracle Database 10.1 server is started and BEFORE you invoke the upgrade script.. ***********************************************************************

18  Post-Upgrade Status – Component registry contents  Version  Status – Timestamps and error messages in log file – Timestamps and other messages in alert log and trace files – Post-Upgrade Status Utility New Oracle Database 10g Features

19 Motorola Upgrade Experiences  Motorola Printrak Biometrics Identification Solution (BIS) (formerly Omnitrak AFIS) An integrated suite of applications that allow for the capture, processing, search and storage of fingerprints, palmprints, facial images and other biometric data.

20 Printrak BIS Overview  1-6 TB of mostly LOB data  Application built with: – J2EE architecture – Java Stored Procedures – Oracle Text – Advanced Queuing – Oracle XDK for Java

21 Printrak BIS Upgrade Path  Previous generation BIS – Oracle8i ( – HP Tru64 Unix 5.1B – HP AlphaServer  New generation BIS – Oracle10g – Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 – HP Itanium or Xeon

22 Data Transfer Challenges  Data on different OS and hardware platforms  Run by non-DBA personnel  Minimize downtime to support rapid customer system deployment – Original Export/Import, which is the typically used method in such upgrade scenarios, would take about one week for the larger systems

23 Recommended process  Upgrade in-place 8i system to 10g  Use Oracle Database 10g features to move data to LINUX – Cross-Platform Transportable Tablespaces – Data Pump Export/Import

24 Transportable Tablespaces Data Pump In-place Upgrade New Database

25 Upgrade on HP Tru64  Used experience gained from new deployments in 10.1.0 before upgrading existing 8i systems  Pre-Upgrade Information Utility – Ran on a reference system to create base scripts and guidelines – Ran on each deployed system to compare with reference system and adjust scripts if necessary

26 Upgrade on HP Tru64 (cont)  Manual upgrade process – Greatly simplified from previous releases – Only marginally different than using DBUA – Finer control of the upgrade process than DBUA – Minimal amount of steps – Easier than installing a patchset in previous releases

27 Move Data to LINUX Systems  Data Pump – 7 times faster than original Import for our application – Very easy to use – Recommend to use in small / medium systems  Transportable Tablespaces – 12 times faster than original Import for our application – Involves a more elaborate procedure – Requires Enterprise Edition on the source system – Recommend to use in large systems (if EE installed on the source system)

28 Lessons Learned  With the greatly simplified 10g upgrade process and new 10g features such as Data Pump and Cross-Platform Transportable Tablespaces, the “indirect” approach we described is much more efficient than the original method of Export / Import for migrating large databases to 10g across different hardware platforms and operating systems.

29 Lessons Learned (cont)  Read Metalink note 263809.1 “Complete checklist for manual upgrades to 10g” in conjunction with the Oracle 10g Upgrade Guide, even if using DBUA to perform the upgrade.

30 Lessons Learned (cont)  Special consideration needs to be given to components from later releases that are installed in an 8i database e.g. 9.2 XDK

31 Questions and Answers DEMOgrounds (E8) The Self-Managing Database: Simplified Install & Upgrade

32 Session Surveys  Session Number is 1163


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