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THE NEED TO TRAIN THE TRAINERS. Who University lecturers /academics Teaching assistants (such as research students who do tutoring etc) Senior academics.

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2 Who University lecturers /academics Teaching assistants (such as research students who do tutoring etc) Senior academics and administrators

3 Why Bologna (Impetus, and ‘stick’ but...) Roles of universities Massification Heightened expectations of students, employers, and others Fees

4 What Awareness : of wider context of student learning : institutionally, nationally and internationally; Knowledge: Subject Content in relation to : Competences - generic and subject based; appropriate methods of t and l for level; how students learn generally and within subject; methods of assessment appropriate for level, and how to give appropriate feedback to encourage learning. use of appropriate learning technologies; methods for evaluating effectiveness of t and l; implications of QA for development :

5 What else Values: respect for students; integrity of subject input(research/content etc); commitment to subject and encouragement of participation acknowledging diversity of that contribution; promoting equality; commitment to continuing professional development and evaluation of own practices Understanding: demonstrated through practice in tla, assisted curriculum development, assessment work etc

6 When Initial (focus on techniques and rationale: awareness and practice) Continuing development ( deepening of understanding and evaluation)

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