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Social Psychology of Leadership Mgt 512 – Winter 2013 Barry Posner Accolti Endowed Professor of Leadership February 9, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Psychology of Leadership Mgt 512 – Winter 2013 Barry Posner Accolti Endowed Professor of Leadership February 9, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Psychology of Leadership Mgt 512 – Winter 2013 Barry Posner Accolti Endowed Professor of Leadership February 9, 2013

2 Agenda Housekeeping (Leadership Practice Essays, performance feedback, no class next Saturday, etc.) Identify Inspiring a Shared Vision in practice Appreciate and develop skills around Inspiring a Shared Vision

3 LEADERSHIP PRACTICE ESSAY 1. Read Chapters 6-7 regarding Challenging the Process in The Leadership Challenge. 2. Write an essay providing examples from your workplace or life that illustrates this leadership practice in action and provides clues about what you will do to become a better leader. 3.What advice would you give your colleagues about how to write an outstanding essay?

4 “I think the leadership characteristic that I displayed first and foremost was vision. I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do and the team full- heartedly bought into it and we accomplished it. Without my vision we would have only served to maintain the status quo and without them buying in we would not have achieved success.” Aaron Teixeira

5 “It is important to keep the big picture in mind because you can help the group when they hit an obstacle or get hung up on details. If you keep everyone in the loop, nobody is left out or wondering what the status is, or if their work is being used.” Christine Mielke

6 “What an effective leader needs to do is involve the others in the vision when attempting to motivate them.” Elliott Le

7 “Listening is the best thing any leader can do. Every stakeholder has a voice and you should never underestimate or undervalue their opinions.” Alvin Chen

8 “Leading is about listening. It’s more about guiding than directing. It’s about asking tough open-ended questions where team members have the opportunity to freely express themselves. It’s about encouragement, sharing a vision and aligning ‘in the business’ actions with long-term ‘on the business’ objectives.” David McCullough

9 “But I learned through this exercise that if you have a clear vision, clear communication and transparency, people are willing to listen, regardless of what your position in the organization may be.” Sharmeen Hassan

10 “I learned that leadership requires a strong vision, and an ability to communicate that vision and to encourage others to get behind it. Leadership is only effective if people actually believe in what they’re trying to achieve.” Jane Oldham

11 “We realized that the only way we could make a difference was if everyone was on the same page in every plan. We brought everyone together each night so that they could see that they were not in the campaign alone, and this also provided a way for everyone to keep on track and on message.” Anne Volz

12 Putting Inspire A Shared Vision Into Action What does your group team want to share: a. Examples that best illustrate putting this leadership practice into action b. Lessons learned about using this leadership practice

13 What kind of information do people want more of from their management?

14  Reliable information on where are heading.  How my job fits into the total picture.

15 When leaders effectively communicate the vision, people report significantly higher levels of:  Job satisfaction  Commitment and loyalty  Esprit de corps  Clarity  Pride in the company  Productivity

16 A vision is an ideal and unique image of the future for the common good. What are the key ideas?

17 A vision is an ideal and unique image of the future for the common good.

18 When Leaders Envision the Future and Enlist Others… Constituents feel 25% more engaged 50% more effective Leaders seen as

19 What Makes for an Inspiring Vision? When you hear “Paris” what comes to mind?

20 What Makes for an Inspiring Vision? When you hear “London” what comes to mind?

21 What Makes for an Inspiring Vision? When you hear “Tuva” what comes to mind?

22 Tuva Is a region located in a remote part of Russia, in Eastern Siberia. Borders Altai to the west, Khakassia to the northwest, Krasnoyarsk to the north, Irkutsk Oblast to the northeast, Buryatia to the east, and Mongolia to the south. Tuvans are known abroad for khoomei (xöömej), a kind of overtone singing.

23 As you listen to Martin Luther King, what makes his remarks an inspiring vision?



26 What are the techniques that Martin Luther King uses to make his remarks memorable?

27 1. Images and word pictures 2. Metaphors 3. Examples 4. Stories 5. References to history/traditions 6. Emotions 7. Symbols What Makes for an Inspiring Vision?

28 “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” Nelson Mandela

29 How does Herve Houdre Inspire A Shared Vision?

30 VISION SQUARE EXPERIENCE  You will be formed into several small groups.  Each group member will be blindfolded.  Each team will be assigned a task. Some will be independent Some will be interdependent Practice getting others to see what you see!

31 Pulling It Together: Inspire a Shared Vision Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities. Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations.

32 Social Psychology of Leadership Barry Z. Posner Social Psychology of Leadership Barry Z. Posner Mgt 512 Winter 2013 © 2013. James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce without express written permission.

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