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Highway Maintenance – Lengthsman and other options Andy Stevenson Highways and Drainage Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Highway Maintenance – Lengthsman and other options Andy Stevenson Highways and Drainage Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highway Maintenance – Lengthsman and other options Andy Stevenson Highways and Drainage Manager


3 An Introduction to Highway Maintenance As Highway Authority Cornwall Council has a statutory duty to keep the public highway safe (Section 41 – Highways Act (1980) This duty is discharged by the delivery of a core level of service set out in the Highway Maintenance Manual (HMM) Available on the Council Website

4 Cornwall Council – Core Service Reactive Safety maintenance Planned reactive o Flood spot locations o Salting Routes o Ragwort Scheduled Routine Maintenance o Gully emptying o Other drainage e.g. ditch &grip cleansing o Visibility cutting for safety o Knotweed treatment Programmed Maintenance o Carriageway surface treatment o Footway/ cycleway treatment o Sign & line replacement o Repairs to drainage systems o Edge Maintenance (siding)

5 Available Options for Towns and Parishes Grass Cutting Weed Treatment Maintenance of Public Rights of Way (LMP) Highway Maintenance (Lengthsman)

6 Grass Cutting &/or Weed Treatment Management of verges and amenity areas within the local Council’s area; this may include trimming, ecological management and environmental enhancement. Non-statutory herbicide treatment within the highway corridor on an agreed network

7 Local Maintenance of PROW Network The strimming / brushcutting / mowing of vegetation on those paths agreed between the Councils. Paths should be maintained consistent with their level of use and legal status e.g. footpath or bridleway

8 Highway Maintenance - Lengthsman Works within the highway corridor on an agreed network. Potential work areas consist of: Sign cleaning (non- illuminated) Weed clearance and the removal of overgrown vegetation Maintaining street furniture & highway heritage features (milestones etc.) Graffiti and fly poster removal De-fleecing of gullies Ditching works Sweeping

9 Key Issues for Councils to consider Network Coverage 3 rd Party Liability Traffic Management Issues (Speed limits) Contractor Competency Certification – Registered Schemes Insurance

10 Next Steps Interested Council’s should contact their Community Link Officer who will be able to facilitate a discussion.

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