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Enterprise Content Management

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1 Enterprise Content Management

2 Content management system Enterprise content management systems 1 An enterprise content management system (ECM) organizes documents, contacts and records related to the processes of a commercial organization. It structures the enterprise's information content and file formats, manages locations, streamlines access by eliminating bottlenecks and optimizes security and integrity.

3 Enterprise content management 1 Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is a formalized means of organizing and storing an organization's documents, and other content, that relate to the organization's processes. The term encompasses strategies, methods, and tools used throughout the lifecycle of the content.

4 Enterprise content management - Definition 1 Enterprise content management is the technologies used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes.

5 Enterprise content management - Definition 1 Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. ECM tools and strategies allow the management of an organization's unstructured information, wherever that information exists.

6 Enterprise content management - Definition 1 Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. ECM covers the management of information within the entire scope of an enterprise whether that information is in the form of a paper document, an electronic file, a database print stream, or even an email.

7 Enterprise content management - History 1 Enterprise content management, as a form of content management, combines the capture, search and networking of documents with digital archiving, document management and workflow. It specifically includes the special challenges involved in using and preserving a company's internal, often unstructured information, in all of its forms. Therefore, most ECM solutions focus on business-to- employee (B2E) systems.

8 Enterprise content management - History 1 Early leaders already offered multiple stand-alone EDMS technologies. The first phase was to offer multiple systems as a single, packaged "suite", with little or no functional integration. Throughout the 1990s, integration increased. Beginning in approximately 2001, the industry began to use the term enterprise content management to refer to these integrated solutions.

9 Enterprise content management - Characteristics 1 Content management includes ECM, Web content management (WCM), content syndication, and media asset management. Enterprise content management is not a closed-system solution or a distinct product category. Therefore, along with Document Related Technologies or Document Lifecycle Management, ECM is just one possible catch-all term for a wide range of technologies and vendors.

10 Enterprise content management - Characteristics 1 Enterprise content management as a uniform repository for all types of information

11 Enterprise content management - Characteristics 1 Enterprise content management is working properly when it is effectively "invisible" to users. ECM technologies are infrastructures that support specialized applications as subordinate services.

12 Enterprise content management - Characteristics 1 ECM thus is a collection of infrastructure that fit into a multi-layer model and include all document related technologies (DRT) for handling, delivering, and managing structured data and unstructured information jointly. As such, enterprise content management is one of the necessary basic of the overarching e- business application area. ECM also sets out to manage all the information of a WCM and covers archiving needs as a universal repository.

13 Enterprise content management - Web content management 1 The scope of Enterprise content management integrates web content management systems

14 Content Management Website - Enterprise content management systems 1 An enterprise content management system (ECM)[ ise/ Enterprise Content Management Systems] organizes documents, contacts and records related to the processes of a commercial organization. It structures the enterprise's information content and file formats, manages locations, streamlines access by eliminating bottlenecks and optimizes security and integrity.

15 Product information management - Link with enterprise content management 1 Enterprise content management is a term encompassing technologies, methods and tools used for gathering, imaging, storing, archiving and providing electronic content

16 For More Information, Visit: m/the-enterprise-content- management-toolkit.html m/the-enterprise-content- management-toolkit.html The Art of Service

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