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SAR SYSTEM. Objectives u DEFINE Search and Rescue u IDENTIFY the duties and responsibilities of the SC, SMC, OSC and SRU u IDENTIFY the five SAR Stages.

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Presentation on theme: "SAR SYSTEM. Objectives u DEFINE Search and Rescue u IDENTIFY the duties and responsibilities of the SC, SMC, OSC and SRU u IDENTIFY the five SAR Stages."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives u DEFINE Search and Rescue u IDENTIFY the duties and responsibilities of the SC, SMC, OSC and SRU u IDENTIFY the five SAR Stages u RECOGNIZE the three emergency phases

3 Search and Rescue Search Using available personnel & facilities to locate persons in distress. Rescue Retrieve persons in distress and deliver them to a place of safety.

4 Search and Rescue The use of available resources to assist persons and property in potential or actual distress.

5 System Components u Communications u RCC for co-coordination u RSC to support the RCC within SRR u SAR facilities u On-scene coordination u Support facilities IAMSAR MANUAL VOL 1, Chapter 2

6 RCC Portsmouth/ AFRCC Tyndall AFB Panama City, FL RCC Miami RCC New Orleans RCC Cleveland RCC Juneau RCC Honolulu RSC Sector San Juan RCC Seattle U.S. SAR Regions U.S. SAR Regions LANTAREA RCC RCC Boston RCC Alameda/ PACAREA RCC ARC Elmendorf RSC Sector Guam NSS 1.8

7 System Organization SRU On Scene Coordinator (OSC) SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) SAR Coordinator (SC) IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.1,

8 SAR Coordinator (SC) u Responsible to establish, staff, equip and manage SAR system – Provide legal and funding support – Establish RCC’s and RSC’s – Provide or arrange for SAR facilities – Coordinate SAR training – Develop SAR policies IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.2

9 SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) u Designated to manage each SAR mission and to coordinate resources – Obtain and evaluate data – Develop search action plan – Briefings – SITREPs IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.2.3

10 On Scene Coordinator (OSC) On Scene Coordinator (OSC) u A unit designated to coordinate SAR operations within a specified area – most capable person available – two or more SRU’s are O/S IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.2.4

11 SAR Unit (SRU) SAR Unit (SRU) u A unit composed of : – trained personnel; – provided with suitable equipment; – for the expeditious conduct of SAR. IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.3

12 The general progression of a SAR incident. SAR Stages Awareness Initial Actions Planning OperationsConclusion IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.6

13 Awareness ON SAR SYSTEM IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.6.2

14 Awareness u Period during which the SAR system becomes aware of an actual or potential distress u Collect the most critical necessary information –vessel’s position, –vessel's description, –nature of distress, –number of persons on board. IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.6.2,

15 Initial Action u Preliminary action taken to alert SAR facilities and obtain amplifying information u This stage includes: – Evaluation and classification – Alert and dispatch SAR facilities – PRECOM / EXCOM IAMSAR VOL 2, Ch 1.6.6., NSS 1.6.1

16 Emergency Phases u Uncertainty u Alert u Distress

17 Planning Effective plan of operation is developed; Effective plan of operation is developed; u Search u Rescue u Delivery IAMSAR Vol 2, 1.6.10

18 Conclusion OFF SAR SYSTEM IAMSAR Vol 2, 1.6.12

19 Conclusion u RTB u Debrief u Refuel u Replenish u Documentation zzz... NSS 1.6.1

20 SAR System Review Using available resources to assist persons in distress SAR A situation that needs to be monitored, or to have more information gathered Uncertainty Experiencing difficulty and may need assistance, but not in immediate danger Alert Grave or imminent danger requiring immediate response Distress

21 SAR System Review Search Pattern Type Planning Refueling/Replenishing Conclusion Conclusion Information Evaluation Initial Actions Report of a Flare Awareness Conducting the Search Operations

22 SAR System Review Responsible for establishing, staffing, equipping, and managing the SAR system SC Designated to manage each SAR mission and to coordinate resources SMC Designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area OSC Unit composed of trained personnel and equipment suitable for the conduct of SAR operations. SRU

23 Operations u Dispatch SRU’s u Conduct searches u Rescue survivors u Assist distress craft u Emergency care u Deliver to safe place IAMSAR Vol 2, 1.6.11

24 Questions?Questions? ? ? huh? zzzz.....

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