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Early Immigration. “Push” Factors These forces push people out of their native land. Examples: Population growth; crop failure Push factors of immigration.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Immigration. “Push” Factors These forces push people out of their native land. Examples: Population growth; crop failure Push factors of immigration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Immigration

2 “Push” Factors These forces push people out of their native land. Examples: Population growth; crop failure Push factors of immigration pushed millions of people out of Europe and elsewhere in the 1800’s.

3 “Pull” Factors Pull them toward a new place Examples: Freedom; economic opportunity; abundant land Pull factors drew many of them to the United States


5 Immigrant influence on American Society Huge numbers caused overcrowding in the cities Left rural areas to urban areas Landlords packed tenants into buildings Disease rampant Crime flourished Cities unprepared – lacked police and fire departments

6 Working Conditions Factory workers labored from 5 am for 12- 14 hours -six days a week Legal to pay children and women less

7 Social Reform Demanded better schools Horace Mann- called public education “The Great Equalizer” Woman and Blacks were starting to be allowed a higher education Demanded better care of mentally ill and those with disabilities Demanded improvement of prisons and juvenile facilities

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