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Suprhour Program.

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1 Suprhour Program

2 An initiative by Orange Tech Solutions
Orange Tech Solutions, an eight years old partnership firm specialized in IT, Non – IT focused recruitment and Training with strong track record of offering exciting careers. At Orange Tech Solutions, we recognize that the success of our projects depend upon a sizeable extent on knowledge transfer. We are working round the clock and round the year to provide better future by giving best in class training and apposite employment. Orange Tech Solution invite students from schools and Junior Colleges to participate in ‘SUPRHOUR 2015’. We will be conducting competitive exams to enrolled the students on their regular class topics and general knowledge in the form of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

3 Aspire We aim at indentifying and nurturing the inborn talents and potentialities of the students, we are conducting a talent examination at an outstanding level for the students of Class 5 to Class 12 of CBSC, ICSC and State Board. It will enable the students to face any situation with confidence in his personal life as well as examinations like entrance or other competitive examinations. These examinations intend to offer such intellectually challenging questions that would stimulate and motivate the children to start utilizing their mental capabilities.

4 Groups for Competition
Examination Process Exams will be conducted using Tabs with preloaded application of 45 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to be answered in 60 minutes. All evaluations are performed by application (APP) and results will be announced within 2 days. The target region is Bangalore and divided into 4 zones viz: East, West, South, and North. Groups for Competition The competitors are divided into two Groups: Junior Group: Students from Class 5 to Class 8 Senior Group: Students from Class 9 to Class 12

5 Examination Stages There are THREE stages of examination for each Group. 1. Primary Level: All enrolled students will appear for the exam in their respective schools/colleges and one topper from each group and from each school will be qualified for the Zonal Level. 2. Zonal Level: The selected students from primary level will be eligible to attend the Zonal level exam. Two topper students from each group from each zone will be qualified for final level. So the total number of students will be 8 i.e., 4 juniors and 4 seniors.

6 Final Quiz Final QUIZ and a cultural event will be held with the 8 semi finalists and one from each group will be the “SUPRHOUR WINNER” The winners of the event will be honored with CASH PRIZE as below: JUNIOR: I Prize : Rs. 2,00,000/- (1 lac prize amount to the school and 1 lac to students FD) II Prize: Rs. 1,00,000/- (50,000 prize amount to the school and 50,000 to students FD) III Prize: Rs. 20,000/- each for final two participants (20,000 to students FD) SENIOR: Top 100 students will be awarded with a scholarship.

“BEST SCHOOL AWARD” This award will be given for the school zonal wise based on enrolled student’s performance/result. “BEST PERFORMANCE AWARD” A cultural event will be organized. Five performers (individual or group) will be given chance to perform during the Final Quiz day.

8 Mega Concert by Arjith Singh A “SUPRHOUR” mega concert will be held on a selected day. There will be a Concert from “Arjith Singh and team”, at Supernova Arena. About audiences will be enjoying this occasion.

9 Benefits of the program
Suprhour offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities for businesses, organizations or individuals seeking to promote their profile, products and services to a discerning, diverse target audience. Your organization will benefit by partnering in a unique, very well attended, proven, highly visible, national event that encourages talent. Logo merge with Suprhour logo Logo presence in venue branding Title Partner Logo in all the certificates Logo on Posters

10 Benefits of the program
Radio Mentions & ads Logo incorporations in online media campaigns Logo incorporations in Mall & Theatre campaigns Logo on Print Media Advertisements Brand advertising through out the event. Maximum reach out Target of 700 schools with a minimum sign up 300 students = 2.1 lac students students with a reach out of 3 family members = 6.3 lac direct reach out through flyers

11 Why Orange Tech Solutions & Synergy ?
“Retaining the personal touch of a company, we distinguish ourselves through an acute attention to detail in terms of the needs of our clients. Our strength lies in understanding every aspect of your requirements and our focus is on meeting and surpassing your expectations in every respect.”

12 Achiever’s/Award Night: Namma Bengaluru Awards 2011
Few of our Events Achiever’s/Award Night: Namma Bengaluru Awards 2011

13 Sponsors expense particulars
Title Sponsor(1) Co-Sponsors(2) Associate Sponsors(6) Sl.No. Particulars 75 Lakhs & ↑ 50 Lakhs & ↑ 20 Lakhs & ↑ 10 Lakhs & ↑ 1 Venue ü 2 Radio 3 Visual Media 4 Print media 5 Social Media 6 Hoardings 7 BMTC Buses 8 Display Vehicle 9 Flyers 10 Brochures 11 Ticket 12 Banner in Schools 13 Standee 14 Certificate 15 Prizes & Trophy 16 Memento 17 Tablet 18 Exam 19 Executive Bags 20 T Shirts

14 Expense Details Particulars Total 1 Branding 6050000 2 Printing
Particulars Total 1 Branding 2 Printing 3 Prize Amount, Trophy and Memento 1,235,000 4 Tablets: 5 Question paper Cost 830000 6 Promotional Expenses: (School Visit & Conducting Exams) 7 Administration Expenses 8 Artist 9 Venue and infrastructure 10 Sound and Lighting 11 Permission (Govt) 300000 12 Fire Security 350000 13 Micellanious 14 Jury's & Anchoring 300,000

15 Thank you

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