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M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! !

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Presentation on theme: "M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! !"— Presentation transcript:

1 M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction Question & Answer Review Game Designed for Use in the Classroom M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Welcome to … Skip Rules

2 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s Points are collected as a team; however, each player must answer his/her question without help from teammates. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

3 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s If a question is answered correctly, that team adds those points to their team score. The opposing team may now chose a question. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

4 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s If a question is answered incorrectly, the team score does not change. The opposing team may now chose a question. MORE RULES MORE RULES 

5 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s This game does not support automatic scoring. Please assign a scorekeeper for your team. This person should keep track of points for both teams. GET READY TO START GET READY TO START 

6 Choose from the followin g topics You will choose questions from the following six topic areas: CLICK TO VIEW TOPIC AREAS CLICK TO VIEW TOPIC AREAS 

7 TOPIC 1 Choke on your lies What do you know about…

8 TOPIC 2 What do you know about… Don’t cry out loud

9 TOPIC 3 What do you know about… U can’t touch this

10 TOPIC 4 What do you know about… Just breathe

11 TOPIC 5 What do you know about… Gotta go (right now)

12 TOPIC 6 What do you know about… Hunka hunka burnin’ love

13 MultiQ Choices Choke on your lies Don’t cry out loud U can’t touch this Just breathe GOtta go (right now) Hunka hunka burnin’ love 10 20 30 40 50 FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION

14 ReturnReturn Whoops! Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

15 1:101:10 This structure is the primary food passageway. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

16 1:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the esophagus? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

17 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

18 1:201:20 The function of this is to carry oxygenated blood to the brain. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

19 1:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the carotid artery? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

20 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

21 1:301:30 Two likely responses to a throat injury. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

22 1:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are coughing, spitting, difficulty breathing, and pain? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

23 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

24 1:401:40 A life threatening injury caused by a severe blow to the throat. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

25 1:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a cartilage fracture? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

26 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

27 1:501:50 An injury that can accompany a cartilage fracture that forces the need to spineboard the injured athlete. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 1 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s …

28 1:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a cervical spine injury? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

29 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

30 2:102:10 Also known as a collapsed lung. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

31 2:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a pneumothorax? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

32 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

33 2:202:20 Multiple rib fractures in two or more places. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

34 2:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a flail chest? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

35 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

36 2:302:30 Causes abdominal spasms, vomiting, rapid heart rate, decreased blood pressure and shock. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

37 2:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a ruptured spleen? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

38 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

39 2:402:40 Characterized by a lump of tissue that bulges through a weakness in the abdominal wall. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

40 2:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a hernia? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

41 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

42 2:502:50 Injury to this organ can cause referred pain to the right shoulder. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 2 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s …

43 2:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is the liver? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

44 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

45 3:103:10 An injury that causes urine to leak into surrounding areas. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

46 3:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a ruptured bladder? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

47 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

48 3:203:20 Improper breathing and muscles spasm are often the cause of this. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

49 3:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a side stitch or abdominal cramp? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

50 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

51 3:303:30 Kehr’s sign is caused by this. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

52 3:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a ruptured spleen? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

53 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

54 3:403:40 This can cause dizziness, numbness, and can be caused by anxiety. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 3 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

55 3:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is hyperventilation? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

56 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

57 3:503:50 Two of the main functions of the lungs are… T o p i c 3 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

58 3:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide and dissipate body heat. CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

59 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

60 4:104:10 Type your question here CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

61 4:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Type the answer to Topic 4-10 pts here CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

62 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

63 4:204:20 The three main structures to the air passageway of the lungs. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

64 4:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are the bronchi, bronchioles, and the alveoli? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

65 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

66 4:304:30 The direction the diaphragm moves when inhaling. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

67 4:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is down, or inferiorly. CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

68 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

69 4:404:40 Oxygen- carbon dioxide exchange occurs here. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 4 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

70 4:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are the alveoli? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

71 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

72 4:504:50 A condition caused by lack of oxygen characterized by a person’s skin turning blue. T o p i c 4 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

73 4:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is cyanotic? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

74 5:105:10 The three main organs of the urinary system. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

75 5:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are the kidneys, ureters, and bladder? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

76 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

77 5:205:20 One of the 3 functions of the kidneys. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

78 5:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are… – –Maintain acid-base balance of the body – –Filter blood – –Remove waste products of metabolism CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

79 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

80 5:305:30 Kidney injuries can cause increased pain with… CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

81 5:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is trunk extension? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

82 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

83 5:405:40 This injury can cause painful urination. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 5 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

84 5:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is a ruptured bladder? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

85 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

86 5:505:50 Pain due to kidney injury can be eased by… T o p i c 5 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

87 5:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What is flexing at the knees or hip? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

88 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

89 6:106:10 These chambers of the heart have thick walls due to their function. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

90 6:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are the ventricles? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 10

91 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

92 6:206:20 Veins carry blood ______ the heart, arteries carry it _____. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

93 6:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are to and away from? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 20

94 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

95 6:306:30 Rapid death can be caused by injury to these types of organs due to their large blood supply. CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

96 6:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are solid organs? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

97 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

98 6:406:40 The three categories of abdominal organs are… CLICK TO CHECK T o p i c 6 f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

99 6:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are digestive, urinary, and reproductive? CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 40

100 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

101 6:506:50 Two of the four functions of the liver. T o p i c 6 f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

102 6:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … What are… – –Detoxifies chemicals – –Stores vitamins – –Produces bile – –Assists with metabolism CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 50

103 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game Board

104 Bonus Question B O N U S Q U E S T I O N Congratulations! If you answer the Bonus Question correctly, your team receives double the points assigned to this question. Congratulations! If you answer the Bonus Question correctly, your team receives double the points assigned to this question. TO THE BONUS QUESTION TO THE BONUS QUESTION 

105 Directions for Last Question D I R E C T I O N S Team members may consult on the final question of this game Team members may consult on the final question of this game. TO THE FINAL QUESTION TO THE FINAL QUESTION  If your answer is correct, you may add the wagered amount to your current score. If your answer is incorrect, you must subtract the wagered amount from your current score. Please place your wagers. Click the bar below when you are ready to proceed. Please place your wagers. Click the bar below when you are ready to proceed. RETURN TO GAME BOARD

106 Last Questio n Name the organ that… 1. 1.Produces and destroys red blood cells. 2. 2.Completes digestive food breakdown. 3. 3.Produces insulin and enzymes for digestion. CLICK TO CHECK T H E F I N A L Q U E S T I O N

107 Last Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … 1.Spleen 2. Small intestine 3. Pancreas CLICK TO END THE GAME ADD OR SUBTRACT WAGERED AMOUNTS

108 Turn in team score Add up your team score and report it to your teacher. T H A N K S F O R P L A Y I N G ! DON’T FORGET TO STUDY & REVIEW ON YOUR OWN!

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