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Dafili Gravity Water Supply Scheme Finn WASH-BG Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Dafili Gravity Water Supply Scheme Finn WASH-BG Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dafili Gravity Water Supply Scheme Finn WASH-BG Programme

2 Outline  Enabling Environment  Location and Facts About the Project  Initiation & Application Process  Socio-economic and Tariff Study  Engineering Design & Approval  Funding Agreement, Transfer & Implementation  Actual Project Cost  Inauguration Ceremony  Other Uses  Challenges  Way forward

3 Enabling Environment  Proclamation 71/2008 has been issued For point sources, WASHCOs have to be formed to construct and manage them. For more complex schemes, WUAs have to be formed to manage schemes  Regulations necessary to implement the Proclamation Drafted by the WMERDB  Demand from Communities  Sufficient source

4 Location and Facts about the Scheme  Location Jigda Silassie Kebele of Mandura Woreda 25 kms north west GB  Facts Water Source: Dafili Springs Total yield: 2.5l/s Water quality : Potable (as tested by WWO staff) Coverage: 324 HHs in five Gotts (villages) of Dafili sub-Kebele Present users: Humans= 1782 : Cattle heads= 1398

5 Initiation & Application Process  Initiated by the communities 5 villages formed a WASHCO each 5 WASHCOs formed a WUA Each village contributed ETB 1000.00  WUA Saving account in BGCSI Deposited ETB5000.00 Applied for CDF support Desk and field appraisals were conducted WSC approved the project

6 Socio-economic and Tariff Study  Will be presented by Mike

7 Engineering Design & Approval  Prepared by TA Team and WWO Staff  Scheme components A spring capping structure (1.5 l/s) A 50 m3 capacity sandwich reservoir 5 public fountains 5 wash stands 3 cattle troughs 3 shower units (2 of them having 4 rooms and 1 having 2 rooms) 1.627 kms pipe line (GS & HDPE)  Estimated cost ETB665, 393.84  Assessed by PMC and approved by Board

8 Funding Agreement, Transfer & Implementation  Funding agreement signed WUA opened a CDF account  Fund transfer WSC CDF account to WUA CDF account CDF guideline  Procurement Goods and services were procured by the WUA  Construction & supervision April, 2011 Locally trained Artisans WWO staffs September, 2011

9 Actual Project Cost  Total project cost = ETB 810,000 Communities contributed = ETB 90,000 (11.11%)  Supplied local materials (stone, sand, wooden poles, etc)  Provided unskilled labor o Trench excavation o Other necessary works GoF contributed = ETB 720,000

10 Inauguration Ceremony  Inaugurated February 13, 2012

11 Other Uses  Backyard gardening Vegetables, such as onions, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, etc Ensures the sustainability of the scheme

12 Challenges  Regulations not yet in place WUA didn’t obtain legal status  Non existence of the private sector in repair and maintenance Rely on the Woreda Water Office

13 Way Forward  Put in place Regulations ASAP  Train local Artisans in repair and maintenance Develop payment guideline

14 Thank you

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