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International cooperation International organizations International regimes International norms.

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Presentation on theme: "International cooperation International organizations International regimes International norms."— Presentation transcript:

1 International cooperation International organizations International regimes International norms

2 International regimes-Krasner Sets of explicit/implicit principles/norms/rules and decisionmaking procedures around which actors’ expectations converge Regimes-constitute an important aspect of an interdependent world

3 International regimes GATT-free trade regime Nuclear nonproliferation-nuclear expansion regime Law of the sea-sea resources utilization regime Biological/chemical weapons regimes

4 International norms Collective expectations of proper behavior for actors within a given identity Regulate behavior Constitute actor identity Prescription-inform the actor within a given identity what to do\what not to do Parameter-indicate the situation under which the norm prescription applies

5 Functions of norms Delineate boundaries Serve as signposts to policy makers of certain actions Routinize relations Tripwire function-when a widely accepted norm is violated, attention will be focused on collective action

6 Multilateralism-Ruggie Organizing principle of international life Indivisibility Nondiscrimination Diffuse reciprocity

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