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Hamilton’s Views: FederalistJefferson's Views: Democratic Republicans Create this two column notes chart to record important information about each group.

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Presentation on theme: "Hamilton’s Views: FederalistJefferson's Views: Democratic Republicans Create this two column notes chart to record important information about each group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hamilton’s Views: FederalistJefferson's Views: Democratic Republicans Create this two column notes chart to record important information about each group as we learn about the first 2 political parties.


3  Take the time to brainstorm or jot down 5 words that come to mind when you think of “political parties”.  Turn to a neighbor and compare your 5 terms. Look for similarities and differences in your ideas. Try to put as many ideas as possible into a complete sentence.  Be prepared to share out with the class using the sentence starter: “When it comes to political parties we know ……………”

4  In the early days of the new republic, Americans had a strong distrust for political factions. o Political factions in Britain often functioned off of corruption, bribery, or a system of doing favors. o Leaders of factions were more interested in personal gain than serving for the good of the people. o Opposing factions could pose a threat to the national unity just created o Washington warned that factions would lead to “jealousy and false alarms” Using context clues…..What is a faction?? NO POLITICAL PARTIES!!

5 Although Washington did not support the idea of political parties, factions grew due to two members of his cabinet. Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson What major arguments can you identify in the dinner table debate taking place?

6 1. The first political parties in the United States were established in the 1790s largely because of political differences between — a. John Adams and Benjamin Franklin b. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Paine c. George Washington and James Madison d. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

7 Hamilton’s Views: FederalistJefferson's Views: Democratic Republicans As we watch the cartoon, take notes about the key differences of each group:

8 “The average person is far too ignorant to make wise political decisions” “The lesser our debt the stronger our power” “The French provided great support after the battle of Saratoga, thus we should support them” “Congress should have the power to make all laws necessary and proper to function” “Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens” Hamilton Jefferson Hamilton Jefferson Now it’s your turn. Activity Time !!!

9 Disagreement over the issues as represented in the cartoon above led to the – A. start of the American Revolution B. passage of the Northwest Ordinance C. formation of political parties D. passage of protective tariffs

10 “E Pluribus unum” is the slogan written on the U.S. seal. It is directly translated as “Out of many, one”. What do you think this means? Did the development of political parties go against the motto of the new nation?

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