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Pastoralism - Case Studies Dr. Betty Faust EST-200.

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Presentation on theme: "Pastoralism - Case Studies Dr. Betty Faust EST-200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pastoralism - Case Studies Dr. Betty Faust EST-200

2 Introduction n Ariaal of N. Kenya n Yoruk of Turkey n Maasai of Kenya/Tanzania n Mongols of Mongolia n Al-Murra of Saudi Arabia

3 Topics of Discussion n Variation in dependence on animals n Variation in incorporation in the global economy n Variation in patterns of movement n Different social/kinship patterns n Environment & impact

4 Ariaal - East African Cattle Complex n N. Kenya, Africa - South of Ethiopia, 7,000 people in tribe n Refugees, drought - wars, epidemics - created ethnic identity n Environment - seasonality, semi- desert (250-500 mm/yr) n Reduce risk - 4 different species, diverse pastures n Cultural value, social meaning of animals

5 Ariaal - Details n Diet - milk 70%, blood, porridge (grains), meat n Women, older people and children - milking, animals in domestic pastures. n Men of warrior age - camp pastures, distant from settlement. n initiation age sets - boys, warriors (11-25), fathers/elders. n Age sets vs. patrilineages

6 Patrilineal n polygyny - houses vs. households n inheritance - males n bride wealth/”price” - returnable n women’s tasks - houses, water, infants, milking n older children care for younger ones

7 Modernization n government and missionaries - settle them! n dependence on handouts (land not arable) n overgrazing near missions and government posts n loss of conservationist practices

8 Recommendations for future n Appreciate traditional knowledge and practices n Assist - veterinarians and pest control n Lift grazing restrictions - disperse flocks n Market access - transport, information, facilities

9 Lessons learned n Assumptions vs. long-term, detailed observation of cycles. n One change creates others, anticipate.

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