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On to the next life cycle…. What is a life cycle? Series of events that occur over an animal or plant’s lifetime. These are changes that we can see and.

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Presentation on theme: "On to the next life cycle…. What is a life cycle? Series of events that occur over an animal or plant’s lifetime. These are changes that we can see and."— Presentation transcript:

1 On to the next life cycle…

2 What is a life cycle? Series of events that occur over an animal or plant’s lifetime. These are changes that we can see and identify. These also occur in the same order every time.

3 Let’s see what animal is next…

4 What’s a Butterfly? Flying insect with large scaly wings Like all insects: – Has six jointed-legs – 3 main sections of their body Head Thorax (chest) Abdomen (tail end) – A pair of anttenae – An exoskeleton – Compound eyes Comes from a caterpillar


6 Why do they look the way they look? They have bright colors, muted colors and/or patterns to: – Find a partner – Recognize others in their species – Warn predators that they taste bad or are toxic Some butterflies copy this warning pattern to protect themselves even if they do not taste bad – Camouflage – Communication


8 Important Vocab Symmetry: – With butterflies, this means that the same pattern and colors appear on both wings. The wings are identical.

9 So, where do butterflies exist?

10 Here is where the Monarch Butterfly lives:

11 Do you think Butterflies live anywhere else?

12 VA’s Butterflies There are 70 native butterflies to our state.

13 Butterfly Diet They can eat anything that will dissolve in water like flower nectar, sap, pollen, rotting fruit, natural fruit juices – They do this using a proboscis – their mouth is like a long straw Some butterflies can only digest liquids, like the monarch butterfly As caterpillars, they eat mostly leaves and other plant parts

14 Interesting Fact! Butterflies can taste with their feet!

15 Butterfly Predators Wasps Ants Birds Snakes Toads Rats Lizards Dragonflies Monkeys Frogs spiders

16 Why the Butterfly? We just studied the deer, which is a mammal. The butterfly is another animal, but is an insect. It is important for use to learn about life cycles in both mammals and insects. – Mammals will look like the adult version of the species throughout the life cycle in most cases – Insects look different at the different stages of their life cycles Butterflies have a very unique life cycle that will give us a look into what other insects are like too


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