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8A Unit 5 (Revision).

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1 8A Unit 5 (Revision)

2 Name the birds correctly.
sparrow swallow golden eagle swan seagull crane

3 Do you know the parts of birds?
beak neck wing tail feather

4 1 It has long-pointed wings and forked tail.
What is it? 1 It has long-pointed wings and forked tail. 2 It has many long things like a beak and a neck 3 It has brown and grey feathers. 4 It has white feathers. 5 It has broad wings and hooked beak. 6 It has web-footed feet. swallow crane sparrow swan golden eagle seagull

5 课文复习 eserve Zhalong Nature R________ a s______ place in Heilongjiang in the n_________of China. It p_______ food and s_______ for wildlife. T______ from China and other countries go to Zhalong to w______the birds there. W_______are an ideal home for birds, plants and f____. Many birds live in Zhalong all year round and some fly there for a short _______. They can find food e_____ there. pecial orthern helter rovides ourits atch etlands ish stay asily

6 More than 200 kinds of birds stay in Zhalong in winter, including red-crowned _______.
There will be less and less s______ to live, so we should p_______ the environment and w_________. Zhalong needs more people to work there. It is a good chance for us to know more about different kinds of birds and insects. I learn about the i___________ of wetlands . We hope to make more people a________ take action to protect wildlife. cranes pace rotect etlands mportance ctively

7 What can we do for Zhalong ?
do a bird count = count birds invite … to… count and do something for… the importance of … help… understand make…take some actions to…

8 词组再现 1.去观鸟 2.在集市上 3.飞到南方国家 4.湿地之一 5.整年 6.舒适地生活着 7.为某人提供…… 8.越来越少的空间
9.研究不同种类的鸟 10.在数量上的变化 go birdwatching at the market fly to northern countries one of the wetlands all year round live comfortably provide…for sb. / provide sb. with… less and less space study the different kinds of birds the changes in the numbers

9 do something to help birds understand the importance of sth.
do a bird count 11.统计鸟儿数量 12.采取措施帮助鸟类 13.理解某事的重要性 14.采取行动做某事 15.随意扔垃圾 16.回到学校 17.毕业 18.对做某事感兴趣 19.确信 20.近距离观察鸟类 21.阻止某人做某事 22.听报告 23.加入俱乐部 24.想更多地了解某人 do something to help birds understand the importance of sth. take action to do sth. leave litter carelessly return to school finish school be interested in doing sth. make sure Watch birds closely prevent sb. from doing sth. listen to a talk join the club/become a member of the club Want to learn more about sb.

10 词组巩固– 选用所给词的正确形式填空 all year round ,sing nicely ,provide…for , watch closely , listen to 1. Some birds never fly away. They stay in the reserve _________________. 2.We didn’t know anything about the club until we _________________ to your talk last time. 3. Project Hope ___________ money ________ the poor children to return to school. 4. If you do the bird count this year, you’d better __________ the birds_________. 5. Listen! The birds ___________________in the tree. all year round listened to provides for watch closely are singing nicely

11 重点句型 I’m going birdwatching provides food and shelter for wildlife
1._____________________(我打算去观鸟) this weekend . 2.The area _______________________________ (为野生生物提供食物和住所 ). 3. There are________________(许多鱼)in the wetlands, and the birds can_______________ __________.(容易地捕猎到它们当食物) 4.I’m _________________________________. (对打排球感兴趣) . provides food and shelter for wildlife many fish easily catch them for food interested in playing volleyball

12 simply can’t wait 5. They _____________________(迫不及待) for the show next week. 6. I think _______________________(对我们来说采取措施很重要) something to help the birds. 7. I ______________(会很高兴) if I can become a member of your club. 8. The wetlands show ________________(上演)next week. it’s important for us to do will be very happy will be on

13 表达与运用 用fish / fishes 填空: 1.There are many _______ in the wetlands.
2. He ate some ________ yesterday. 3.There are many kinds of ________ in the sea. fish fish fishes 1.fish直接作为复数使用。 2.fish也表示鱼肉的意思。 3.fishes表示各种各样的鱼,强调鱼的种类。

14 用BE动词的正确形式填空: 1.丹顶鹤的数量越来越少。
The number of red-crowned cranes ______getting smaller and smaller. 2.许多动物越来越少。 A number of animals _____getting fewer and fewer. is are The number of…, number为中心词,谓语动词用单数。 A number of=many,谓语动词用复数。

15 用little ,few 的正确形式填空: 1.There is _______ and ________ space for wildlife in the wetlands. 2.The cranes are becoming _______ and ________ in the nature reserve. 3.There is _______ milk in the fridge. We’d buy some now. 4.There are ________ people playing in the park, are there? less less fewer fewer little few 总结: 1.little ‘’几乎没有’’ 与不可数名词连用. 2.few “几乎没有” 与可数名词连用.

16 It is one of the world’s most important wetlands. one of + 可数名词复数形式
同义句 It is one of the most important wetlands ______ _______ ________ ________. 她是我们班最好的运动员之一。 all over the world She is one of the best players in our class.

17 Write the opposites of these adjectives.
1. able common comfortable friendly happy helpful important kind lucky necessary unable uncommon uncomfortable unfriendly unhappy unhelpful unimportant unkind unlucky unnecessary

18 ‘un-’ ‘in-’ ‘im-’ ‘dis-’ ‘ir-’ 11. popular 12. pleasant 13. welcome
unpopular ‘un-’ unpleasant unwelcome ‘in-’ 14. correct 15. polite 16. possible 17. honest 18. regular incorrect impolite ‘im-’ impossible ‘dis-’ dishonest ‘ir-’ irregular Back

19 Use the simple present tense to talk about the future.
Hurry up. The film starts in two minutes. Our plane leaves at ten o’clock tonight. My cousin finishes school next month. Conclusion: We can use to talk about Simple present tense future. We use it when we talk about programmers(计划), timetables(时间表) and calendar(日历).

20 The linking verbs: 1.表示感官的动词: look, smell, taste, feel, sound, seem…
2.表示变化的动词: 3.表示状态保持的动词: look, smell, taste, feel, sound, seem… get, turn, become, grow, go (bad)… keep, stay, remain…

21 ly ly ly ly ly + ly ly ly ly ly ly ly ly
Form the adverbs from the adjectives. ly gently 1.bad bright 3.clear close correct 6.dangerous 7. generous neat nice pleasant 11. slow soft 1.gentle 2.possible - e + y ly possibly ly 1.easy 2.happy 3.heavy 4.noisy 5.angry easily ly happily - y + ily ly + ly heavily ly noisilyangrily ly ly 1.good2.true well ly truly ly hard ly fast ly Back

22 写作部分 date name and title of receiver address of sender
Room 402 38 Hill Road Sunshine Town Beijing 写作部分 date 17th December name and title of receiver Mr. Fan Chairperson address of sender Birdwatching 15 Sun Road Sunshine Town address of receiver subject greeting Dear Mr. Fan APPLICATION TO JOIN THE BIRDWATCHING CLUB I listened……. message closing Yours sincerely name of sender Zhao Aijia

23 (school life and hobbies)
Paragraph 1: She wants to join the Birdwatching Club (the purpose目的 of the letter) Paragraph 2: her school, her grade, her favourite subjects, and her hobbies (school life and hobbies) Paragraph 3: Why does she want to become a member of the Birdwatching Club?(the reason) Paragraph 4: her telephone number, her address (her hope)

24 Write about your own application form.

25 Name _______ Date of birth ________
Address _________________ Telephone number __________________ address ___________________ School ___________________ Grade _________ Favourite subjects ________________

26 Clubs_________________________
Interests and hobbies___________ __________________________ Pets _________ Activities to protect wildlife _______________________ Free time _____________________ Signature____________________

27 I ________________ and I would like to become a member of ____________ Club.
I am a student at __________________ and I am in Grade ______. My favourite subjects are ________ and ___________. I’m very interested in ___________. Every _________, I __________. I also like _____________.

28 I would like to become a __________ because ________________
I would like to become a __________ because ________________. I think it’s important for me ___________. I want ___________________. I can come to club activities from_______ to ___________ on ___________.

29 I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club
I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club. You can call me on ____________or me at ____________________. Yours sincerely __________

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