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Respiratory system cont’d. Respiratory disorders Disorders i.Asthma ii.Bronchitis iii.Emphysema iv.Cystic fibrosis v.Tuberculosis vi.Sleep apnea Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory system cont’d. Respiratory disorders Disorders i.Asthma ii.Bronchitis iii.Emphysema iv.Cystic fibrosis v.Tuberculosis vi.Sleep apnea Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory system cont’d

2 Respiratory disorders Disorders i.Asthma ii.Bronchitis iii.Emphysema iv.Cystic fibrosis v.Tuberculosis vi.Sleep apnea Group mission: ◦Respiratory anatomy effected (eg. trachea, alveoli, etc.) ◦Physiological cause of the disorder ◦Helpful technology/technologies

3 Bronchitis

4 Cystic fibrosis

5 Emphysema

6 Tuberculosis

7 Asthma

8 Sleep apnea

9 Respiratory technologies


11 Insects ◦Insects possess a network of branching trachea that deliver air directly to body cells ◦Air enters through tiny holes in the exoskeleton called spiricals ◦Insects are always filled with some amount of air and it’s pushed around (and out) by their movement/muscle contractions

12 Earthworms ◦Earthworms breath through their skin ◦Blood vessels are close enough to the skin that diffusion happens across it ◦Diffusion of O 2 /CO 2 requires a moist surface ◦Dry worm = dead worm

13 Birds ◦Birds use unidirectional breathing (unlike our ‘bidirectional’ breathing) ◦They draw in air using rear air sacs and push air forward into the lungs ◦Air leaves the lungs when inhaling (weird!) to fill the front air sacs which then empty on an exhale

14 Fish

15 Frogs (some amphibians) ◦Frogs lack a diaphragm and the have far fewer alveoli than humans ◦Frogs fill their oral cavity with air and then push it into their lungs using their vocal sac (see below) ◦To make up for lost surface area gas exchange happens in the oral cavity and through the skin

16 Try this… Pg. 308, #2 - 7

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