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Ch 11 Andrew Jackson and Native Americans 5 Tribes – Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 11 Andrew Jackson and Native Americans 5 Tribes – Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 11 Andrew Jackson and Native Americans 5 Tribes – Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole

2 Andrew Jackson Love him or hate him Jacksonian Democracy” – common man’s pres. Those who hated him nicknamed him: King Andrew or King Mob – power hungry.

3 Jackson as President Spoils System – fired many fed workers and replaced with his supporters. (Result - common man in govt jobs.) Spoils system not allowed today. Today, most govt positions --- have to take a test, must be qualified, president can not hire/fire. “Civil Service Jobs

4 Q:Explain why Native Americans were forced off their lands Land west of Miss was dry and unsuitable for farming White farmers wanted fed govt to relocate native americans living in SE - west of Miss R. 1830 Congress passed Indian Removal Act Indian Removal Act – fed govt pay Nat Amer to move west

5 1834 – Congress created “Indian Territory” for Native Americans in Oklahoma Cherokee nation refused to move 1835 – fed govt persuaded few Cherokkes to sign treaty which gave all Cherokee land to fed govt 1838 – 7,000 fed govt troups FORCED Cherokees to move west (“Trail of Tears” – thousands died along the way)

6 Seminole only group who were successful in keeping native lands in Florida After 1842 – only few scattered groups of Nat Amer lived east of Miss R

7 Q: Analyze attitude of Andrew Jackson in comparison to Thomas Jefferson toward the removal of the Five Tribes Thomas Jefferson believed we should teach Nat Amer to farm and intermingle with white man Andrew Jackson – sided with white settlers. Move Nat Americans to Indian territory --- at all costs. Even if he had to break the law & even if he had to force Nat Amer to move.

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