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Verification and Performance Estimation Environment for 3D Graphics Geometry Acceleration System 995022 Young-Su Kwon.

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Presentation on theme: "Verification and Performance Estimation Environment for 3D Graphics Geometry Acceleration System 995022 Young-Su Kwon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verification and Performance Estimation Environment for 3D Graphics Geometry Acceleration System 995022 Young-Su Kwon

2 System-Level Simulation o Target u Verification of 3D graphics system using HW/SW modeling. u Performance estimation of 3D graphics system early in the design time. o Simulation of HW/SW systems u Modeling the behavior of a system based on the behavior of the HW & SW systems o Why is it needed? u For the verification of the functionality. u For the architectural selection early in the design time according to the performance.

3 Rendering (Vertex rendering to frame buffer) Simulation Environment Geometry Processing (Vertex coordinates and color calculation) Context Setting HSM (Hardware Simulation Model) Virtual Memory ISS (VLIW processor model) API Voodoo2 SSM (Software Simulation Model)

4 Performance Estimation Architecture selection (Definition of API interface) Classification of timing-cosuming part Time measurement of each part Real application program running SSM core geometry part context setting part rendering part Transaction HSM kernel running part

5 App. Area System Operation glBegin() glEnd() VB(i) filling glBegin() glEnd() Vb(i+1) filling App. Area FGA comm. Transformed VB(i-1) & context VB(i) Transformed VB(i) & context VB(i+1) Geometry processing on VB(i) FGA comm. Geometry processing on VB(i-1) FGA comm. Geometry processing context i context i+1 RE control context i context i+1 context i context i-1

6 Pitfall u glBegin()/glEnd() 사이에서 Vertex filling 을 하 던 중 FGA 용 VB size 를 초과했을 때  New glBegin/End 로 assume. App. Area glBegin() VB(i) filling glEnd() Vb(i+1) filling FGA comm. VB(i) Geometry processing on VB(i) FGA comm. Geometry processing on VB(i-1) context i RE control context i

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