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Available to anyone who purchases a Rainbow prior to graduating initial training classes. The Owner Equity Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Available to anyone who purchases a Rainbow prior to graduating initial training classes. The Owner Equity Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Available to anyone who purchases a Rainbow prior to graduating initial training classes. The Owner Equity Program

2 24 qualified Demos in 90 Days Program Requirements: The Owner Equity Program

3 …cash the program out on your next Sale. Complete program requirements in 90 days or less… The Owner Equity Program

4 When you make your next Sale… …you’ll receive up to The Owner Equity Program

5 = Pay Off Bills Save It Go on a Trip Have a Party Pay off your Rainbow!

6 FIRST 4 DEMOS = $XXX VALUE! The Owner Equity Program Credit towards gift program $100 Cash Bonus per sale 4 extra demo credits per sale towards your equity program

7 Available to anyone who doesn’t purchase a Rainbow prior to graduating initial training classes. The Future Owner Equity Program

8 30 qualified Demos in 90 Days Program Requirements: The Future Owner Equity Program

9 …cash the program out on your next Sale. Complete program requirements in 90 days or less… The Future Owner Equity Program

10 = YOU BUY THE POWER NOZZLE $399 AND GET THE RAINBOW FREE! The Future Owner Equity Program

11 OWNER EQUITY Equity Program Comparison Up to $2,498 back Earn Accessories Free Receive Rainbow now FUTURE OWNER EQUITY Buy Power Nozzle ($399) Buy Accessories Receive Rainbow later

12 Equity Program Comparison We invest more into the Owner Equity Program because we have found that we get better results from people that own the Rainbow and can share first hand experiences with other customers. However, both programs are very generous in their benefits!

13 For Example: 24 Demos x 3 Hours = 72 Hours $68.00 $68.00 per hour for trying it out! Equity Program Payout$2,498.00 8 Sales Commissions (Based on 1 out of 3)$2,400.00 Total:$4,898.00

14 3 months to complete either program. Equity Program

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